
Thursday 18 August 2011

"More violent"?

The BBC's report on the latest terrorist attacks on Israel are notable for two reasons. First the BBC actually quote Israelis using the words 'terrorists' albeit in one case with some strategically positioned quotation marks:
'The Israeli military said seven "terrorists" had been "hit"'
Maybe the last part of this complaint of mine has had an affect! The second notable part is the sidebar 'Analysis' by Paul Danahar for BBC News in Jerusalem:
'Whether or not Hamas are to blame for this attack, Israel will hold them responsible and there is likely to be a tough military response in the coming hours.

Hamas run Gaza but there are a number of splinter groups that want to see a more violent response to Israel and its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

For Israel to come out so quickly after the attack and say they know it came from Gaza is surprising. If they had had good intelligence of their own about possible attacks in Eilat they would normally have issued a warning to people in the area.
That suggests that perhaps intelligence came from another country like Jordan, but came too late to tackle the gunmen before they carried out the attack.'
I see three interesting comments in that short 'analysis'. First the prediction that Israel will respond in a 'tough' manner; I can sense the BBC readying their 'disproportionate response' headlines even as I write this. Second is that Paul Danhar calls these terrorists 'gunmen' not terrorists; how very decent of him. Thirdly is the way Paul Danhar states that:
'Hamas run Gaza but there are a number of splinter groups that want to see a more violent response to Israel and its occupation of the Palestinian territories.'
'More violent'? Hamas are pledged to destroy Israel and kill all Jews. Here are some quotations to prove this. First from the Hams Charter:
'The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement, 18 August 1988


"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).


Peace process

Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion. Its members have been fed on that. For the sake of hoisting the banner of Allah over their homeland they fight. (Article 13)'
And now some quotations from leading Hamas figures:
Hamas cleric Ziyad Abu al-Haj's Friday sermon of 3 April 2009:
"The time will come, by Allah’s will, when their property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth."

Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halabiah, a member of the Palestinian Sharia (Islamic religious law) Rulings Council, and Rector of Advanced Studies at the Islamic University on 13 October 2000:
"The Jews are the Jews. There never was among them a supporter of peace. They are all liars… They are terrorists. Therefore it is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah… It is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them any place that you find yourself. Any place that you meet them – kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans who are like them… The Jews only understand might. Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere."
How could these splinter groups be 'more violent' than Hamas? Does Paul Danahar mean that when talking to westerners these groups don't even pretend that they could co-exist with Israel? Does Paul Danahar believe what Hamas tell people in English even when it is at odds with that they say in Arabic?

I would complain to the BBC but I really have had enough.

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