
Thursday 4 August 2011

What's offensive?

Barack Obama in the United States and many on the left in the UK find Steve Bridge's Barack Obama impression 'deeply offensive'

Yet BBC Radio 5Live's vile Richard Bacon finds Doug Stanhope funny

I wonder if Richard Bacon finds Steve Bridge's act 'deeply offensive'. I wonder how Richard Bacon defends Doug Stanhope's act? Thanks to Biased-BBC here's an extract from Doug Stanhope's act so you don't have to subject yourself to it...
'Sarah Palin is the most fucking horrible, horrible [sic] - on so many levels…

Sarah Palin is this woman - she's the mother of five, two of whom are retarded. One of them has Down's Syndrome and the other volunteered for Iraq. She's got a baby with Down's Syndrome for Christ's sake. How do you expect America to get behind her when even God hates her…

…after that last fucking retard baby came out of her - did you see the size of the head on that thing? The alien skull on that fucking retard baby had to tear her apart. Can you imagine the carnage, the violence of that thing coming out of her. It's like someone stood at the foot of her cunt and yelled "Hey Kool Aid!" They [sic] bursting through her. That baby had to do more damage to her undercarriage than the Viet Cong did to McCain's entire upper torso. I believe that if she were in the White House when she tried to deliver that child the secret service would've had to shoot it in the soft spot as it was crowning to save her… I think the Democratic Party is really dropping the ball if they don't hammer the big cunt retard baby issues for the rest of this campaign and just stay on point. Don't get distracted with all the other nonsense. Stay on point. Bring everything back to big cunt retard baby. They shoulda done that in the vice presidential debates and Biden dropped the ball. Everything shoulda come back to - whatever red herring she tries to throw at you - "Well I broke up the old boy network when I was the governor of Alaska" " I heard the only thing you broke up was that sorry cunt of yours when you fucking threw that spastic out of your tard launcher, that's what I heard." And the moderator would've said "You have two minutes to rebut the big cunt retard baby allegations" and she'll throw some other nonsense - "How's your campaign equipped to deal with that proverbial 3am phone call?" And he goes "I don't know but we're not going to have some fucking waterhead running around kicking the phone of the hook so it goes straight to voicemail with his tongue on the button. I know that! What's up with that?" And then the moderator would chastise the crowd to hold their applause to the end and remain seated. "What's your record on earmarks?" "What's your record on spitting out fucking bulb-headed [laughs] - I heard your fucking snatch is so split open they had to put a tent zipper on your snatch so your guts don't shoot out when you sneeze. That's what I heard."'
Witty, very witty...

I was going to go home but have decided to spend 10 minutes composing a complaint to the BBC.

Complaint type: Radio
Location: England
Radio station: Radio 5 Live
Programme title: Richard Bacon
Transmission date: 04/08/2011
Complaint category: Offence
Complaint summary: Richard Bacon recommended a vile, obscene, offensive YouTube video to his listeners
Full complaint: Richard Bacon introducing Doug Stanhope,one of his guests, this afternoon thus: "Doug Stanhope is here. Just a remarkable stand-up comic. If you haven't seen him and want a flavour of what he's like go to YouTube now and type "Doug Stanhope Sarah Palin" [Richard Bacon laughs] and get back to me."  Here's part of the routine that Richard Bacon recommended to his afternoon, in the school holidays, listening audience: " Sarah Palin is the most fucking horrible, horrible [sic] - on so many levels… Sarah Palin is this woman - she's the mother of five, two of whom are retarded. One of them has Down's Syndrome and the other volunteered for Iraq. She's got a baby with Down's Syndrome for Christ's sake. How do you expect America to get behind her when even God hates her… …after that last fucking retard baby came out of her - did you see the size of the head on that thing? The alien skull on that fucking retard baby had to tear her apart. Can you imagine the carnage, the violence of that thing coming out of her. It's like someone stood at the foot of her cunt and yelled "Hey Kool Aid!" They [sic] bursting through her. That baby had to do more damage to her undercarriage than the Viet Cong did to McCain's entire upper torso. I believe that if she were in the White House when she tried to deliver that child the secret service would've had to shoot it in the soft spot as it was crowning to save her… I think the Democratic Party is really dropping the ball if they don't hammer the big cunt retard baby issues for the rest of this campaign and just stay on point. Don't get distracted with all the other nonsense. Stay on point. Bring everything back to big cunt retard baby. They shoulda done that in the vice presidential debates and Biden dropped the ball. Everything shoulda come back to - whatever red herring she tries to throw at you - "Well I broke up the old boy network when I was the governor of Alaska" " I heard the only thing you broke up was that sorry cunt of yours when you fucking threw that spastic out of your tard launcher, that's what I heard." And the moderator would've said "You have two minutes to rebut the big cunt retard baby allegations" and she'll throw some other nonsense - "How's your campaign equipped to deal with that proverbial 3am phone call?" And he goes "I don't know but we're not going to have some fucking waterhead running around kicking the phone of the hook so it goes straight to voicemail with his tongue on the button. I know that! What's up with that?" And then the moderator would chastise the crowd to hold their applause to the end and remain seated. "What's your record on earmarks?" "What's your record on spitting out fucking bulb-headed [laughs] - I heard your fucking snatch is so split open they had to put a tent zipper on your snatch so your guts don't shoot out when you sneeze. That's what I heard." Does the BBC think it right that one of its afternoon radio presenters recommends his listeners to listen to such material? Count the f-words, count the c-words - Is that acceptable listening for a daytime BBC audience? Does the BBC condone the use of the word 'retard' to describe a baby with Downs Syndrome? Have you informed the Down's Syndrome Association that the BBC endorses poking fun at Downs Syndrome children? I am disgusted at Richard Bacon's recommendation of and laughter at this piece of 'humour'. Do you find it funny? Do you find it acceptable? Is it both funny and acceptable because the victims are Sarah Palin and her Downs Syndrome son?
Receive a reply: Yes
Contacted us before: Yes
Complaint related to previous contact: No
Title: Mr
First name: NotaSheep
Surname: MaybeaGoat
Email address:
Under 13: No


  1. I think Stanhope is hilarious, and even more so for provoking outrage in you, which is precisely the point of the routine.

    What's also hilarious is your suggestion that the BBC ia "endorsing" poking fun at children with Downs. Of course they're not, you moron.

  2. Anon 13:18: You really are pathetic. Are you the sort of person who was offended by Bernard Manning or Jim Davison's routines? Did you find their use of humour racist and/or sexist?

    Perhaps you could explain why it is 'funny' to attack Sarah Palin and her Downs Syndrome child in such a vile way? Is it just because it provokes a reaction? Is anything fair game if it provokes a reaction? Does this only apply to people on the right of politics or are left-wing figures fair game as well?

  3. Bernard Manning was a deeply underrated comic, but I don't find Jim Davidson funny. Wasn't offended by him, just didn't tickle the old funny bone.

    Comedy that provokes can be funny, just depends how it is delivered. Is anything fair game? Hard to say, depends again on how it's done. Comedy can be aimed at all political figures, left or right. I don't care as long as it's funny, and Doug Stanhope's routine was funny. It appeals to my sense of humour, if I need to explain why i find it funny rather than vile I'd have to go into a deep deconstruction of my life, loves, personality, psychology, whatever, and to be frank, who'd want that? It just hits the spot.

  4. Lol, retard babies, heh heh!
    OMG it's so cutting edge!

  5. Bernard Manning's humour didn't appeal that much to me and neither did Jim Davidson's although I appreciated the craftwork used by them.

    comedy that provokes can be funny but that piece of Doug Stanhope was not funny but cruel and vicious.

    I agree let's not descend into psychoanalysis!

  6. Anon 09:52: Yeah right! What's the first clip that comes up in YouTube? Unless you have proof otherwise, then I think that Richard Bacon's snigger as he recommended that search tells me which one he wanted his listeners to find. Yeah 'satire', that audience were clearly laughing satirically as Doug Stanhope viciously and obscenely attacked Sarah Palin and insulted their 'retard' of a child... You say satirical, I say vicious and vile.


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