
Saturday 3 September 2011

Polly Toynbee a solution to your problem

Yesterday Polly Toynbee was ambushed online by Guido Fawkes, Guido accused her of hypocrisy:
'If you are so concerned about wealth inequality and want to see more income redistribution, why are you so rich?'
Guido also pointed out that her writing about poverty had earned her a salary hefty enough to afford three homes, one of which is in Italy, as well as funding her children’s education, as Guido put it:
'Polly is crying about poverty all the way to the Bank of Tuscany.'
Fair comment I think you have to agree. Polly Toynbee's response apart from the usual cornered-lefty's weapon of the personal attack:
'You have devoted your life to poison and malevolence'
was interesting. Two of her defences in particular caught my eye:
First - 'You’re always hammering on about my earnings — as if they were in any way exceptional for someone in my profession'
So following that line of argument does Polly Toynbee accept that high six figure salaries are reasonable for bankers, after all they are not 'in any way exceptional for someone in that profesion'?
Second - 'I write often that I think the distribution of rewards are unjust — yes, including my own.'
If Polly thinks that she earns too much and if this causes her anguish then there are four courses open to her:
First she could ask her employer(s) to pay her less, maybe just twice the minimum wage not four times it, this would reduce the amount the Treasury received in tax and NIc though. Second she could accept her current wage(s) but donate the excess to charity, thus not depriving the State of money. Third she could accept the same wage(s) but voluntarily give extra money to the Treasury, this course of action is open to any tax-payer who feels left-wing guilt and actually wants to do something about it rather than whinge and complain. Fourthly Polly Toynbee could continue to take the money whilst lecturing us on the inequalities of the capitalist system.

Somehow I think I know which option Polly Toynbee will choose. Just another example of Labour hypocrisy from one of the left's biggest hypocrites, and there is a large field to choose from.

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