
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Whatever happened to Judge Richard Goldstone?

When in 2009 South African Judge Richard Goldstone published his report into alleged violations of international human rights & humanitarian law in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, the BBC feted him as a wise man who despite being Jewish was able to see the truth about Israel.

When some time later Richard Goldstone admitted that if he had been aware of information that has become known since writing it then his report would have been different, he blamed Israel for failing to co-operate with his commission, biased as Israel knew it would be, and the BBC covered the partial retraction with much less attention than they did the original report. The BBC do have a narrative to keep to.

Now I see that Richard Goldstone has written a piece for the New York Times that I don't think the BBC will report at all. The piece is about the Palestinian Authority's push for United Nations membership and a matter that as a liberal South African judge Richard Goldstone does understand, the accusations that Israel is an 'Apartheid State' - I have emphasised the key points:
' The Palestinian Authority’s request for full United Nations membership has put hope for any two-state solution under increasing pressure. The need for reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians has never been greater. So it is important to separate legitimate criticism of Israel from assaults that aim to isolate, demonize and delegitimize it.

One particularly pernicious and enduring canard that is surfacing again is that Israel pursues “apartheid” policies. In Cape Town starting on Saturday, a London-based nongovernmental organization called the Russell Tribunal on Palestine will hold a “hearing” on whether Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid. It is not a “tribunal.” The “evidence” is going to be one-sided and the members of the “jury” are critics whose harsh views of Israel are well known.

While “apartheid” can have broader meaning, its use is meant to evoke the situation in pre-1994 South Africa. It is an unfair and inaccurate slander against Israel, calculated to retard rather than advance peace negotiations.

I know all too well the cruelty of South Africa’s abhorrent apartheid system, under which human beings characterized as black had no rights to vote, hold political office, use “white” toilets or beaches, marry whites, live in whites-only areas or even be there without a “pass.” Blacks critically injured in car accidents were left to bleed to death if there was no “black” ambulance to rush them to a “black” hospital. “White” hospitals were prohibited from saving their lives.

In assessing the accusation that Israel pursues apartheid policies, which are by definition primarily about race or ethnicity, it is important first to distinguish between the situations in Israel, where Arabs are citizens, and in West Bank areas that remain under Israeli control in the absence of a peace agreement.

In Israel, there is no apartheid. Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute: “Inhumane acts … committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Israeli Arabs — 20 percent of Israel’s population — vote, have political parties and representatives in the Knesset and occupy positions of acclaim, including on its Supreme Court. Arab patients lie alongside Jewish patients in Israeli hospitals, receiving identical treatment.

To be sure, there is more de facto separation between Jewish and Arab populations than Israelis should accept. Much of it is chosen by the communities themselves. Some results from discrimination. But it is not apartheid, which consciously enshrines separation as an ideal. In Israel, equal rights are the law, the aspiration and the ideal; inequities are often successfully challenged in court.

The situation in the West Bank is more complex. But here too there is no intent to maintain “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group.” This is a critical distinction, even if Israel acts oppressively toward Palestinians there. South Africa’s enforced racial separation was intended to permanently benefit the white minority, to the detriment of other races. By contrast, Israel has agreed in concept to the existence of a Palestinian state in Gaza and almost all of the West Bank, and is calling for the Palestinians to negotiate the parameters.

But until there is a two-state peace, or at least as long as Israel’s citizens remain under threat of attacks from the West Bank and Gaza, Israel will see roadblocks and similar measures as necessary for self-defense, even as Palestinians feel oppressed. As things stand, attacks from one side are met by counterattacks from the other. And the deep disputes, claims and counterclaims are only hardened when the offensive analogy of “apartheid” is invoked.

Those seeking to promote the myth of Israeli apartheid often point to clashes between heavily armed Israeli soldiers and stone-throwing Palestinians in the West Bank, or the building of what they call an “apartheid wall” and disparate treatment on West Bank roads. While such images may appear to invite a superficial comparison, it is disingenuous to use them to distort the reality. The security barrier was built to stop unrelenting terrorist attacks; while it has inflicted great hardship in places, the Israeli Supreme Court has ordered the state in many cases to reroute it to minimize unreasonable hardship. Road restrictions get more intrusive after violent attacks and are ameliorated when the threat is reduced.

Of course, the Palestinian people have national aspirations and human rights that all must respect. But those who conflate the situations in Israel and the West Bank and liken both to the old South Africa do a disservice to all who hope for justice and peace.

Israel, unique among democracies, has been in a state of war with many of its neighbors who refuse to accept its existence. Even some Israeli Arabs, because they are citizens of Israel, have at times come under suspicion from other Arabs as a result of that longstanding enmity.

The mutual recognition and protection of the human dignity of all people is indispensable to bringing an end to hatred and anger. The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a false and malicious one that precludes, rather than promotes, peace and harmony.'
Somehow I doubt that the BBC will be reporting this statement by Richard Goldstone, I however will be quoting it often, in fact every time someone accuses Israel of being an 'apartheid state'.


  1. From memory, I can recall the BBC reporting both the original UN document and then Goldstone's reaction in some detail. In fact, the articles about his retraction are still archived.

    What I would question is why the BBC would report an Op-Ed piece that Goldstone's written for the NYT. Is it the BBC's duty to report on every such article written by someone in every newspaper across the globe? No, of course it's not. On occasions BBC Monitoring might compile some articles for use/reference on the BBC website, but just because at present they've not reported his Op-Ed piece (and, for the record, I don't expect them to)does it constitute bias or keeping to a "narrative".

    It's perhaps worth pointing out that just because a certain event/opinion/article/whatever is not reported by the BBC, the next logical step is not to scream out "bias" at the top of your lungs. Last time I checked you couldn't accuse an empty space of being biased. Sure, flag up reports you think might be biased, but please try to avoid sentences that take the form "I somehow think the BBC won't be reporting on this...." etcetera and so on.

  2. I would agree that Israel doesn't meet the definition of an apartheid state

  3. Anon: Briefly - Yes the BBC covered both the original report and the sunbsequent comments, it hardly needs me to tell you which report was given more prominence.

    No the BBC do not have to report every op-ed piece but you know as well as I do that if Judge Goldstone had written a piece exposing Israel's apartheid tendencies then the BBC would have reported the story.

    In answer to your last piece, I would remind you that sins not only fall into the category of sins of commission but also of sins of omission. The BC's selective reporting is a clear sign of bias and I will continue to point it out.

  4. Paragraph 1: prominence? Yes both were on a website read by millions each day, so I'd say that's self explanatory.

    Paragraph 2: I don't understand why you'd come to that conclusion. Again, it was an Op-Ed piece and no matter what angle Goldstone might have taken, it is absolutely not worthy of coverage by the BBC. A man gives his opinion on events in the Middle East. So what? You blog about it, there are opinion pieces in all national newspapers that express pro-Palestinian or pro-Israeli viewpoints, should they all be covered by the BBC? Short answer, no.

    Paragraph 3: again, the absence of something is not evidence of bias. Yes, the BBC's coverage isn't perfect, but then you can accuse all media across the globe of the same thing. What I can say for certain is that the BBC has categorically NOT "tied itself" to Islamists. It's preposterous to suggest such a thing - what would the BBC achieve for doing this? Exemptions from Sharia law once the Islamists take over the UK?

    I'm being deliberately daft with that suggestion, but you look on the internet and you see blogs from supporters of the Palestinian cause accusing the BBC of being pro-Israeli and suggesting the BBC will somehow benefit from being "tied to" Israel and Judaism. Again, the accusation is of selective reporting, so the only conclusion to make is that you're looking at the BBC's reporting through your own biased perspective, as are bloggers who take the opposing view to you on these matters.

    I only hope you can realise that you're doing this, and adjust your posts accordingly before you mislead some of your readers into believing things that aren't true.


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