
Thursday 2 February 2012

The BBC, their love of terrorists and hatred of Israel

From Biased BBC comes this spot of pounce_uk:

The bBC and its continuing whitewashing of the evil that Muslims do.
Freed Palestinian prisoners adapt to Qatar exile
As part of the deal to free the captured Israeli soldier Sgt Gilad Shalit last year, more than a 1,000 Palestinian prisoners were released from Israeli jails.The vast majority were allowed back into the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but 40 prisoners were forced to leave the region entirely, deemed by Israel to be a continuing security threat. The releases were enormously controversial in Israel, where some of the prisoners were seen as mass murderers. A two-bed flat not far from the cornice in Qatar's capital, Doha, is now home for 47-year-old Ibrahim Shammasina from Ramallah.
His new living room is twice as large as the cell in the Israeli jail where he spent 19 years."A minute of freedom is worth more than all the possessions in the world," says Shammasina. "Prison, it's a grave - as if you're in a grave but still alive." Shammasina was sentenced to 23 years in jail for his role in the 1990 murder of three Israelis and a further 20 years for planning a kidnapping. Despite spending almost half his life in prison, he does not regret his actions.
"When there is an occupation, you're forced to," he says. "It's your duty, the duty of every Palestinian, to resist the occupation. If I didn't resist, I would just have surrendered."  

So reading the above whom do you see as the victim?
47 year old Ibrahim Shammasina whom the bBC introduce as living in a house where his living room is twice the size of his cell, the same Ibrahim Shammasina who opines to the bBC that; "Prison, it's a grave - as if you're in a grave but still alive."
The same Ibrahim Shammasina the bBC allows to say: Despite spending almost half his life in prison, he does not regret his actions.
The same Ibrahim Shammasina whom the bBC allow to finish his bitching by saying:"When there is an occupation, you're forced to," he says. "It's your duty, the duty of every Palestinian, to resist the occupation.
According to the bbC this poor man was sentenced to 23 years in jail for his role in the 1990 murder of three Israelis and a further 20 years for planning a kidnapping.
Nice language from the bBC, don’t you think ,23 years for his role in the murder of 3 Israelis and another 20 years for planning a kidnap. Here is what the bBC don’t tell you about nice old Ibrahim Shammasina, taken from the IDF release papers:
Murdered Ronen Karamani, Lior Tubul, Rafi Doron and IDF soldier Yehoshua Friedberg.
4 murders, the bBC say 3. Lets look at the first two of those shall we:
JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said Monday that Israel is "in an uproar" after the bodies of two Israeli youths, bound, beaten and stabbed, were found earlier in the day in a ravine just north of Jerusalem. The two youths, Ronen Karamani, 18, and Lior Tubul, 17, were last seen Saturday night at the close of the Jewish holy day when friends dropped them off on a main road leading north from Jerusalem. They had said they intended to hitchhike to the home of Tubul's girlfriend, who lives in the northern suburb of Givat Zeev and was about to leave on vacation in Eilat. When the two youths did not arrive, police were notified, and search parties were organized. Helicopters, trained dogs and professional trackers took part in the search. About 1:30 p.m. Monday, searchers found the bodies about 20 yards apart in a ravine off the road. One bore about 50 stab wounds, witnesses said, and the other's skull had been bludgeoned.
The third killing was of taxi driver Rafi Doron and the forth killing (which the bBC calls a kidnapping) was the kidnapping and murder of Pvt. Yehoshua Friedberg.
And the bbC has the neck to start this apologetic drival towards a mass murderer by trying to claim:
“The releases were enormously controversial in Israel, where some of the prisoners were seen as mass murderers.”
And then they have the balls to end with:
All the exiles' costs in Doha are being paid by the Qatari government. Most of the prisoners are learning to drive, and hope to secure jobs and education.... Shammasina is also looking to study as well as resume a fledgling cooking career he had before imprisonment. Both deny that they are a security threat to Israel. Their fervent hope is that the Israelis will one day agree and allow them to return to the West Bank.

Ah nothing like the cries of a mass murderer in which to get the wankers at the bBC shouting out’” Foul Play” 

Is it any wonder that I hate the BBC so much?

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