
Friday 17 February 2012

Dear @Tweet_Palestine (an update)

My post of yesterday did elicit some replies in the comments section. One was not the sort of comment that I publish, Tentacles please refrain from that type of insults when trying to express such sentiments on my blog. Another came, or was alleged to come, from @Tweet_Palestine. I did publish it but as not everyone reads the comments here it is in full with my response - @Tweet_Palestine has not yet responded to my questions therein:
'Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is TWEET Palestine wow it took you some time to write this post....all it would have taken you was to open the Israeli foreign ministry page to grab some of the items there which is the Israeli narrative zionist propaganda. its sad that all the things i sent you about zionist attacks even on Jews and the fact that Palestinians both Christan and Muslim are prosecuted by the Zionists did not make you at least think or rethink the narrative you have been told. once again i tell you that Palestinians have no problem with the Jewish religion both Christians and Muslims respect the religion, the problem and the conflict began with the Balfour deceleration and the zionist Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine 7 million Palestinians are currently living in exile, the rest of us suffer from the cruel occupation, which brings with it daily humiliation, discrimination, injustice and continued policies of ethnic cleansing. i hope one day you can wake up and realize before its too late what crimes have been done to the people of Palestine, as a Palestinian all that we want is to live in peace to have the right to return to our homeland the freedom and dignity and justice that all humans deserve irrespective of their religion or nationality. I think all three religions have the right to live on this land, were we are all equal. i hope you have the courage to allow this post to be put on ur blog. and good luck to you in finding peace for your self and hopefully one day you will try to accept the right of others to live in peace.
@tweet-Palestine 16 February 2012 12:25'

'Blogger Not a sheep said...

You say in your comment - 'once again i tell you that Palestinians have no problem with the Jewish religion'

Have you even read my piece?
Nizar Rayan, Hamas religious and military leader, who said on 1 Jan 2009: "Regarding the Jews, our business with them is only through bombs and guns... the prophet [Muhammad] promised that we will fight you, with Allah's help, until the tree and stone say: "Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

That's Jews not Israelis, Jews. So do Hamas have a problem with Jews?

How about the excerpts from a Friday sermon in Al-Bireh, the Palestinian West Bank, which aired on Palestinian Authority TV on January 6, 2012.

'Preacher: "Oh servants of Allah, every evil and catastrophe on the land of Palestine – moreover, in the whole world – is caused by the Jews.

"They generate civil strife with their clandestine handiwork, their despicable texts, their bitter hearts, and their abominable intentions.

"Allah said: 'Whenever they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it, but they strive to do mischief on earth. Allah loves not those who do mischief.' This is the history of the Jews.'

Is that exhibbitting a problem with Jews?

How about the crowd in Tunisia?
Crowd member: "Killing the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Crowd member: "Killing the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Crowd member: "Driving out the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Crowd member: "Driving out the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Crowd member: "Crushing the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Crowd member: "Crushing the Jews…"

Crowd: "…is a duty."

Are those the words of people who have no problem with the Jewish religion?

The Christian population of Israel is increasing, there are Christion and Muslim MPs in Israel, how many Jewish MPs are there in Syria, Saudi Arabia or any other Muslim country?

You have managed to avoid addressing the points I have made, yet again.

Let me ask you another few questions: does Israel have a right to exist? if so, where and what should its borders be?

16 February 2012 14:13'

I will of course let you know when/if @Tweet_Palestine responds to my last comment and if he/she/they actually address my questions. It is interesting that all @Tweet_Palestine could say to my historical facts was 'wow it took you some time to write this post....all it would have taken you was to open the Israeli foreign ministry page to grab some of the items there which is the Israeli narrative zionist propaganda' Perhaps @Tweet_Palestine could explain where my historical account is flawed and incorrect, I'd be fascinated to know...

Maybe I should leave the last word to another correspondent:
'Anonymous Ed P said...

Never mind @Twat-Palestine, I've learnt a lot! An excellent, dispassionate and historically accurate summary - it's difficult to understand why anyone except a racist would find fault with Israel, surrounded as they are by unjustified & irrational hostility.

16 February 2012 11:04'

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