
Tuesday 21 February 2012

How about a reciprocal arrangement?

The South-East of England faces a drought and we are told that building the infrastruscture to transfer water from the wetter North of England to the drier South would be too expensive. It's odd how Central government (and the Water industry) are happy for the North to keep their water and leave the South-East without but same Government insists on transferring more massive sums of money from workers in the South-East to benefits claimants in the North.

My other thought on this matter was that I wonder how much of the water shortage is due to the increased population in the South-East of England? If the last Labour government had not deliberately increased immigration to the detriment of the job prospects of existing Britons would we also not have a water shortage? 

1 comment:

  1. Anybody remember a political Gobshite called Jeff Rooker? He is now safely tucked up in some non job in the House of Lords. A couple of years ago he gave a speech in which he said it would be " immoral to transfer water from wet ( Labour voting) parts of the UK to dry (Tory) voting areas. There you have it a poliyical class so lacking in humanity that when push comes to shove they dont even believe in sharing water with their fellow countrymen yet are more than happy to take their money through taxation. What a sick political culture we have!!


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