
Friday 3 February 2012

To The Guardian, Israel is different and to be treated differently

The excellent CIF Watch keeps an eye on The Guardian's 'Comment is Free' site and these two recent pieces are well worth a read if you want to understand The Guardian's attitude to Israel.

1) The first article concerns the Guardian “Holiday Offers” page which strangely omits name of one tiny little country:
'Say you chose to use the vacation portal on the Guardian’s website to plan a long deserved get-away for you and your family, and you’re considering a certain 8,000 square mile modern state off the Mediterranean, in order to enjoy this country’s unique variety of cosmopolitan urban areas, beaches and mountains, as well as the unparalleled variety of religious landmarks in the land where monotheism was born.

So, you go to the Guardian’s Holiday Offers page, and use the search function to find your preferred country.

Except, well, you can’t quite find your destination of choice.

You find a few of its neighbors, such as Egypt, and, further see 110 nations represented, yet not the precise place you’re looking for, despite the fact that you’re pretty confident its’ been around for 63 or so odd years.'
I am sure you can guess which country is so treated, Israel.

2) The second article concerns the Guardian publication of Harriet Sherwood’s report on Palestinian children which included accusations that Israel mistreats Palestinian teens charged with acts of violence, allegations largely based on information provided by one radical, anti-Zionist NGO. The deliberately emotive article ignores the inconvenient fact that Palestinian teenagers include the following:
'Hakim Awad, 17, is a minor. Last March he and his 18-year-old cousin, Amjad, brutally murdered the Fogel family while they slept. No mercy was shown to three-month-old Hadas, her two brothers (aged four and 11) and their parents. The scene of the crime, including the severed head of a toddler, left even the most experienced of police officers devastated. The duo proudly confessed to their killings, and they have shown no subsequent remorse.

Between 2000-04, 292 minors took part in terrorist activities...Ismail Tsabaj, 12, Azi Mostafa, 13, and Yousuf Basam, 14, were sent by Hamas on a mission chillingly similar to the one involving the Fogels, aiming to penetrate a Jewish home at night and slaughter a family in their beds. In this case, the IDF fortunately stopped them in time.'
The Guardian, like their partners in delegitimising Israel, the BBC, refer to the act that Palestinian 'children' are arrested for as 'throwing stones' as though that is a danger-free act. However that is not the case:
'Judah Shoham never reached the age of many of these minors, as he was killed by Palestinians throwing stones, aged just five months. Similarly, Jonathan Palmer never reached his second birthday; he was killed with his father [Asher] when stones were hurled at their car last October.'
The Guardian and the BBC's attitude towards Israel disgusts me. When I started this blog anti-Israel bias did not really figure in my list of subjects to cover. However it is something that I seem to be covering more and more in this blog because I feel it is important and a key indicator of the bias and brainwashing that these two left-wing and vile 'news' organisations carry out every day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi NotASheep, I visit your blog fairly often as I find it interesting and amusing in equal measure. I'm not the type to comment often though but this post really resonated with me. You are right the left wing media i.e. G/BBC are disgusting when it comes to the portrayal of Israel and your highlighting of this is something I for one wholly support.
    Good on you.


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