
Thursday 22 March 2012

"The Arabs don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews."

As I have said before, I am not a huge fan of Pat Condell because I disagree with his views on all religions. However his views on Israel and the Palestinians are often right on the mark.

I have posted these videos before and received some nasty comments for doing so but I happen to think that this subject is worth revisiting. So here are two videos from pat Condell followed by some background material. I ask you all to listen to Pat Condell's videos, read the quotations and watch the videos I post before commenting.

One of Pat Condell's best videos. I especially liked this line:
"The Arabs don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews."

When Pat Condell comments on so much of the left's insane hatred of Israel and uncritical support for the Palestinians he voices much of what I say, but with more pizazz. The above video should be required viewing for every MP, University Vice-Chancellor, BBC 'journalist', Police Superintendent, University student and pro-Palestinian (for which you can read anti-Israel) marcher in this country. Unfortunately most of those people are so brainwashed or closed-minded that they would probably dismiss his views out of hand, as they do mine; they don't want or like facts, they just know the truth.

In that video Pat Condell claims that Muslim children are brainwashed to hate Jews; is he right?

Jews are "Apes and pigs"; hmm where have I heard that before?

Thankfully that is in the Middle East and not in the UK, or is it?

What is wrong with the world? Why do so many people hate the Jews so much? Why do so few people realise or care what hatred and untruths are being spread by the Saudis throughout Europe and America as well as by others in the Middle East?

Maybe Ken Livingstone who has declared that he wants to turn London into a “beacon” for the words of the (Islamic) Prophet Mohammed should pay more attention to the truth. Maybe Ken Livingstone who expressed his wish whilst speaking at the Hamas-aligned Finsbury Park Mosque last Friday. I say Hamas-aligned Mosque because as The Telegraph reported:
'[T]he mosque is now controlled by an Islamist organisation, the Muslim Association of Britain, which has been linked to the banned terror group, Hamas. A man who has acted as spokesman for the current leadership, Azzam Tamimi, is on record assupporting suicide bombings. One of the mosque’s current directors, Mohammed Sawalha, is described by the BBC as a former senior figure in Hamas who “is said to have masterminded much of Hamas’s political and military strategy” from his post in London.

In 2009 Mr Sawalha also signed the Istanbul Declaration which calls for attacks against the allies of Israel, which include the UK. The British Government interpreted it as calling for attacks on British troops.'

Ken Livingstone also pledged to "educate the mass of Londoners" in Islam, saying: "That will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet." Ken Livingstone also told the audience at that Mosque that:
"I want to spend the next four years making sure that every non-Muslim in London knows and understands [Mohammed's last sermon's] words and message."
I am not reassured by that pledge at all.

As I blogged yesterday, Jewish Labour figures are behind a letter sent to the labour leader Ed Miliband expressing concern that Ken Livingstone has aligned himself with the politics of radical Islam.
"The real and more pressing issue is that of the strong perception that Ken is seeking to align himself with the politics of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian regime, whilst at the same time turning a blind eye to Islamist antisemitism , mysogynism (sic) and homophobia."
What say you Ken?

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