
Monday 26 March 2012

An article that I neglected to pass on back in February

Melanie Phillips beautifully summed up the way that the BBC allow small left-wing groups to set the agenda in Britain. Here's a hort extract:
'How very typical. The BBC always seems ready to sign up to the latest wailing and whingeing from the public sector, doubtless because it is itself used to receiving large amounts of public money.

Too often it sounds like the Guardian of the airwaves. And it is the Guardian which surely takes the biscuit for the most shameless and poisonous hypocrisy over the ‘Right to Work’ campaign.

For it produced piece after piece supporting the campaign’s ludicrous claims, and rejoicing at the bloody nose the protesters were giving the work experience scheme.

Yet this is the same Guardian which even now is advertising for its own work experience scheme where people voluntarily work for nothing because they are glad to get the experience.

Does this not just tell you all you need to know about the left? Purporting to care about the poor, they kick away from them the ladder of opportunity they provide for their own young people. Bloated with often inherited wealth themselves, they flay companies that make wealth and opportunity for others.

The Government’s work experience scheme is part of a crucial and commendable attempt to rescue lives being ruined by joblessness. The SWP want to destroy that scheme because their aim is to destroy British society.

But the companies who have caved in, along with the BBC and the left-wing press, are far worse — because they have shamefully made themselves complicit in that nihilistic and despicable aim which so cavalierly trashes the poor.'


  1. There is a bizarre claim in this article: "The SWP want to destroy that scheme because their aim is to destroy British society."

    Typical of Mel to undermine the validity of her own points with hyperbole!

    Yes some of the left are hypocrites on this issue, as are many on the right. However, do we really accept the aim of someone we disagree with is to 'destroy society'?

    I don't agree with Melanie on many issues, but I don't think she is out to destroy British society, because that would be nuts.

  2. Anon: Wrong! The SWP believe in the goal of a social revolution as envisaged by Trotsky. They do believe in destroying the capitalist society in order to bring in real socialism.


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