
Friday 30 March 2012

George Galloway MP - words all but fail me

George Galloway's victory in the Bradford West by-election is disturbing for two reasons.

First it shows that shameless appealing to Muslim youth with a radical anti-imperialist stance works. This has grave implications for the London Mayoral election where Ken Livingstone is following a similar path. Ken Livingstone as I have blogged recently has been promising to make make London a beacon for Islam and refusing to disown the vile Yusuf al-Qaradawi, whilst alienating Jewish and gay voters; this is no coincidence, Ken Livingstone has calculated that he has more to gain from attracting new Muslim voters than he has from losing those Jewish and gay voters who do desert him.

The second reason that I find George Galloway's by-election victory disturbing is that is shows that Labour's pro-immigration policies have changed Britain and that balkanisation is here to stay. Thanks to Andrew Neather we know that that massive rise in immigration under the last Labour government was not a mistake but because the Labour government wanted to deliberately open "up the UK to mass migration". Thanks to Andrew Neather's revelations we know that this was at least in part due to a politically motivated attempt by Labour ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity".

So we have George Galloway elected MP for Bradford West and the strong possibility of Ken Livingstone being re-elected London Mayor. How's Britain's future looking now?

For more about George Galloway take a look here, where you will find much including his support for the current Syrian regime. For more about Ken Livingstone take a look here.


  1. It's looking bright, I like it.

    Well done George, and a heartfelt victory speech interspersed with bumptious rhetoric as per usual. Hard to like him as a person, but his politics aren't all bad.

    Frightened of multiculturalism are you? Can't say it's made Britain a worse place to live, personally. Balkanisation seems rather extreme, don't you think? Haven't noticed any mass graves round my way recently, but I'm sure you'll say it's only a matter of time.

  2. Third disturbing reason is the way the Muslim voted can be moved en masse - today's euphemism for dodgy proxy voting.

  3. Anon: 'Frightened of multiculturalism are you? Can't say it's made Britain a worse place to live, personally. Balkanisation seems rather extreme, don't you think? Haven't noticed any mass graves round my way recently, but I'm sure you'll say it's only a matter of time.'

    Oh dear. Frightened - no. Worse place - in some ways no, wider choice of food (the aspect the BBC seem most happy with and concentrate on) but in some ways yes, gangs of Somali and Bangladeshi youth in East London, threatening grouos of Eastern European men around tube stations in West London and the feeling at times when walking through our neighborhood at night that Mrs NotaSheep and I might be the only people with English as a first language on the streets. Balkanisation does not mean mass graves in this context it means the process of fragmentation of a country into smaller divisions along ethnic lines.

  4. George has proven to be exceptionally canny in mobilising the Muslim bloc vote, but as I have warned in the past, by doing so he is riding a tiger. Now, a source close to one of the election candidates reveals that some of Galloway's supporters have been involved in intimidation and alleged fraud:

  5. Anonymous is obviously not a gay man driven out of east London. Anonymous is obviously not a 4 year old girl forced to wear a hijab. Anonymous is obviously not living next door to a family with a seriously disabled child due to inbreeding. Anonymous is obviously not one of the relatives of the 7/7 victims. Anonymous is obviously not the mother of a white girl drugged into rape & prostitution.

    If you evacuate the muslim enclaves, then of course multi-culturalism doesn't affect you (perhaps Anonymous is John Cleese, who upped sticks, like lots of his liberal friends, and moved to Bath, the only English city left in England.

    The problem is not multi-culturalism per se - the problem is allowing cultures that will destroy multi-culturalism to take root. Before Mohammed took control of Mecca with his band of rapists and slave-mongers, it too was a multi-cultural paradies (jews, christians, pagans). By the time of Mohamemd's death, it was a totalitarian monoculture.

  6. The future of Britain looks very bad. Islam is at war with itself and it will destroy civilization. Britin will become a hell-hole like all other Islamic countries.

  7. i am a Muslim and Galloways victory was predictable.the labour party took the muslim vote for granted.big mistake.
    There is nothing to fear from the Muslim community,far more pressing issue is the open door migration policy letting in millions in to this country,which is changing the nature of British Society.
    The larget minority in this country are Eastern Europeans.3.5 million.
    i run a shop and in the last 5yrs the number of non UK residents in my arrea has increased by 10 TIMES
    the post office near me gives out benefits to over 70 nationalities.
    near me a Eastern European woman who has 11 children,the council is paying over £500 in housing benefits and the state is looking after her 11 children.They claim more in benefits than the low paid job her husband does.


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