
Tuesday 27 March 2012

How the left are silencing dissent in the USA and the left here are on the same path

'Workforce Fairness is releasing a series of videos chronicling left-wing intimidation, including showing up at people’s houses to harass them and their families. We’re pleased to debut the first of the videos here at RedState. The videos document a growing trend in American civic discourse — the use of intimidation against private citizens to punish dissent.


Routinely, conservative activists are targeted for harassment, subject to degrading comments, etc. from the left and they are okay with that. Bill Maher gets invited to keynote Democratic dinners.

Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, in a Lenten Letter to his pastoral flock, said that evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then tries to silence good. The secular left, having preached tolerance for years, is proving the Archbishop true with their new found intolerance for opposing views. Witness opponents to Proposition 8 in California actively targeting for harassment supporters of Proposition 8. Witness union goons showing up on the doorsteps of private citizens to scare them into submission. Witness Media Matters For America targeting American supporters of Israel and attacking them as “Israel Firsters,” questioning their loyalty to the United States.

The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view.'
Thanks to Redstate for the video spot and the above text.


  1. Firstly, you're a ignorant and brainwashed Yank (the US has the most uniformly indoctrinated and brainwashed population of the Western world, if not the hole world), and consequently you don't know what "Left" is. Secondly you're a lying bastard; your claims of the Left intimitating people is deliberate dishonesty and slander on your part, else you're stupid and gullable. The Left only use intimitation out of necesseity in extremes, against evil people who would be less kind to them were roles reversed(the far Right). Finally, you do not "think for yourself', you are literally a sheep despite your telling protestations. You espouse the mainstream, status quo, authoritarian narratives and ideology the uber wealthy and parasite capitalist minority; the ruling class; has programmed you and the majority of Americans with. You are not a skeptic; you are not a free thinker; you are an unwitting muppet for Right-wing oligarchs at best, at worse a lying right-wing ideologue hell bent on manipulating people and steering them away from the truth and reality.

  2. Wow, some anger issues there. Please see my post today for a reply.


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