
Wednesday 28 March 2012

A parody or have I really upset someone?

I have just posted a comment to my piece about how the American left is silencing opposition, often by violence or threats of violence. In reply I received this comment:
'Anonymous said...

Firstly, you're a ignorant and brainwashed Yank (the US has the most uniformly indoctrinated and brainwashed population of the Western world, if not the hole world), and consequently you don't know what "Left" is. Secondly you're a lying bastard; your claims of the Left intimitating people is deliberate dishonesty and slander on your part, else you're stupid and gullable. The Left only use intimitation out of necesseity in extremes, against evil people who would be less kind to them were roles reversed(the far Right). Finally, you do not "think for yourself', you are literally a sheep despite your telling protestations. You espouse the mainstream, status quo, authoritarian narratives and ideology the uber wealthy and parasite capitalist minority; the ruling class; has programmed you and the majority of Americans with. You are not a skeptic; you are not a free thinker; you are an unwitting muppet for Right-wing oligarchs at best, at worse a lying right-wing ideologue hell bent on manipulating people and steering them away from the truth and reality.'
Anger issues there? But let's look at facts:

1. 'you're a ignorant and brainwashed Yank' - I am English as any reader of this blog would know

2. I might take you seriously if you knew the difference between the homophones 'hole' and 'whole'

3. 'your claims of the Left intimitating people is deliberate dishonesty and slander on your part' - I laid out examples so not dishonest and I might take you more seriously if you could spell 'intimidating

4. 'else you're stupid and gullable' - So anyone who doesn't share your warped world view is stupid, a liar or gullible. Again I might take you more seriously if you could spell 'gullible'

5. First you state that my claims re the left's intimidation is slanderous but then admit that 'The Left only use intimitation out of necesseity in extremes' Do I really need to correct your misspelling of necessity?

6. You claim that the left only use intimidation against 'evil people who would be less kind to them were roles reversed(the far Right'. What gives the left (and you) the right to decide who is evil? Also did you watch the video, are the people being intimidated all 'evil'? Are they of the 'far right' or is the 'far right' just like screaming 'racist' - a way of trying to shut down debate?

7. You tell me that I 'espouse mainstream, status quo, authoritarian narratives'. Have you read my blog? I am rarely mainstream, often rail against the status quo and so much of my blog is about fighting authoritarianism.

8. I've never been called a muppet (unwitting or otherwise) before, I quite like it. Which muppet do I most resemble? Unless of course you are using muppet in its rather more English context as in 'you muppet' (said with aggressive mockney accent).

9. Finally you proffer the possibility that I am a 'lying right-wing ideologue hell bent on manipulating people and steering them away from the truth and reality.' I won't correct all of your grammatical mistakes in that last line, although you desperately need at least one comma there, but instead point out that I am explaining the truth and pointing out reality, it is you that is following sheep-like the left's narrative.

Receiving comments from angry lefties is so rewarding, this morning I got a whole article out of just one comment!


  1. It's a genuine comment.
    That kind of illiteracy is very difficult if not impossible to fake without straying into exaggerated parody, but would have to be faked if the writer were a parodist.
    This has the tang of reality on every line.

  2. Brilliant - absolutely brilliant. QED eh? :)

    On a related note - a recent experience has not been too dissimilar for me.

  3. Sometimes you just need to let your opponents say it for you.


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