
Thursday 29 March 2012

Querying Jenny Jones

Following this piece I thought that I would make sure that Green London Mayorial candidate Jenny Jones was aware of Ken Livingstone's vile statements and so sent this email, I wonder if I will get a response?

Nota Sheep


to ariel.plotkin
In the last few months Jenny Jones, the Green candidate for London mayor, has made some comments regarding Ken Livingstone's candidature for London mayor.

Ken Livingstone is "far from perfect" but "we can work with him" these are the words reported by The Standard.

In 2011 she ended a piece for her campaign website with this:
'I respect and admire Ken. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to watch him work. If he returns as Mayor, I hope he will confirm his place in the world as a visionary leader as well as a brilliant player of the game of politics.'

"Not perfect"? " - An interesting choice of words used to describe a man who has embraced a homophobic, supporter of Islamic terrorism - Yusuf al-Qaradawi - and subsequently refused to apologise for this.

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who stated Jews will not vote Labour because they are rich. "Ken toward the end of the meeting stated that he did not expect the Jewish community to vote Labour as votes for the left are inversely proportional to wealth levels, and suggested that as the Jewish community is rich we simply wouldn't vote for him."

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who was himself described as "using the words Zionist, Jewish and Israeli interchangeably and did so "in a pejorative manner".

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared that "These rich bastards just don't get it … no one should be allowed to vote in a British election, let alone sit in parliament, unless they pay their full share of tax...Cameron's problem is too many of his team have become super rich by exploiting every tax fiddle … [We should] sweep away tax scams and everybody should pay tax at the same rate on earnings and other income."
But himself avoided tax.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared "Hang a banker a week until the others improve." and that the Conservative party had been "riddled" with gay people.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who talks tough on the evils of the press but Andrew Gilligan reports thus:
'Tracey: Talking about boot-licking News International, do you know there have been 26 bylined articles in NI newspapers since the hacking scandal broke in July 2009? The byline, Mr Mayor, is Ken Livingstone.'

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who was paid money to front a programme on the now banned from the UK Press TV :
'Mr Livingstone first appeared on Press TV in March 2009, standing in for former Respect MP George Galloway. Previous presenters on the channel have been paid about £500 per show. Books reviewed on his Epilogue programme include “Zionist Israel And Apartheid South Africa,” “The Invention Of The Jewish People,” and “Israel And The Clash Of Civilizations: Iraq, Iran And The Plan To Remake The Middle East.”'

Why should a Jewish voter even consider voting for someone who respects and admires Ken Livingstone?

Does Jenny Jones agree with some or all of Ken Livingstone's actions and statements as shown above?

Does Jenny Jones still respect and admire Ken Livingstone? Does Jenny Jones still consider Ken Livingstone merely to be "no perfect"? Does Jenny Jones still think Ken Livingstone is a worthy recipient of Green party voters' second preferences for London Mayor?


NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

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