
Sunday 11 March 2012

Vetting the President - at last

The hash-tag #VetthePres is catching on on Twitter and refers to the need to subject Barack Obama to the same degree of vetting that the liberal media demand for any Republican candidate for President. I blogged about this very recently  and will do so again.

For now, watch this piece of video of  the Nation of Islam's Khalid Muhammad explaining how and why his people should “kill them all”:

Now would you say that was 'hate speech'? Yes, but 'how does that link to the Obamamessiah?' I hear you ask. Well my link above showed Barack Obama praising Derrick Bell and telling the assembled to open their hearts and minds to Bell’s teachings. That Derrick Bell was a fervent admirer of Khalid Muhammad (as well as Louis Farrakhan) of the Nation of Islam. There is an inteview with Derrick Bell from 1994 when Bell said, “We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we’ve got them.”

You probably shouldn't be surprised to discover that Khalid Muhammad also referred to Jews as people whose ancestors were cannibals who “crawled around on all fours in the caves and hills of Europe” and “slept in [their] urination and [their] defecation … for 2,000 years.” He characterized contemporary Jews as “slumlords in the black community” who were busy “sucking our [blacks’] blood on a daily and consistent basis.” He said that Jews had provoked Adolf Hitler when they “went in there, in Germany, the way they do everywhere they go, and they supplanted, they usurped.”

So we see that Barack Obama was a very public admirer of Derrick Bell and Derrick Bell was a very public admirer of the genocidal Khalid Muhammad.

Please note that all the events referred to in this blogpost took place over quite a short period of time. It was 1990 when Obama publicly endorsed Derrick Bell, subsequently he has never made any attempt to distance himself from Bell’s racist theories or to criticize Bell in any way. Louis Farrakhan was notorious long before then, and Khalid Muhammad was the Nation of Islam’s National Spokesman by 1985. Khalid Muhammad gave his infamous “kill them all” speech in 1993, it is a reprise from 1996 that is shown above and Bell endorsed him (and thus implicitly the “kill them all” speech) in 1994. Barack Obama was no sallow youth when he praised Deriick Bell, he was within two months of 30 years old when he graduated from law school.

What does Barack Obama's support for Derrick Bell in 1990 and the fact that he has never disowned Derrick Bell or his views tell us about Barack Obama's world view in 1990 and indeed now?

The fact is that Barack Obama seems to have links with some very unpleasant people and the liberal media just aren't interested.

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