
Sunday 13 May 2012

The BBC are beyond belief

The imprisonment of nine men of Pakistani/Afghani extraction for paedophile sex-crimes against a multitude of young girls has already disappeared from the BBC news website front pages. I can find no mention of the story on the main nes page, the England news page or even the Yorkshire & Lincolnshire news page. By way of comparison, the latest update in the Stephen Lawrence case is currently deemed to be the second most important news story in England.

The way that the BBC initially failed to report the Rochdale case, then minimised any coverage and now hide the story away again having had to report it, is nothing short of disgusting. The BBC's desire to push a multicultural agenda at all times has led them to connive with paedophiles and supporters of paedophiles just because these particular paedophiles are Muslims. The BBC have called these men 'Asians' as though they might be Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain or any religion other than the one that they belong to. They eagerly quote police chiefs who are so scared of being called racist that they will say almost anything rather than have to face facts. The BBC have minimised coverage of the comments made by Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of The Ramadhan Foundation, who profiled the offenders as Asian men, predominantly Pakistani, who want easy sex and are prepared to pay to abuse girls as young as 13.

“They have a respectable life in the community and then they have their night life.

“Asian girls are not available to them and so they look to Western girls. They think they’re easy. They see them as tarts who are there to be used.”
Mr Shafiq was appalled that the oldest defendant in the Liverpool trial was set free by police soon after one of his victims came forward.

“He was released and they just carried on,” said Mr Shafiq. “They got more girls and they thought `The police can’t touch us`. That’s a scandal.

“If there’s even a suspicion of child abuse it’s not good enough to say she’s not a credible witness.

“This gang was the talk of the town among the taxi drivers. People were appalled because it’s nothing to do with faith, nothing to do with Islam.

“For all that people like the BNP might want to stir things up, it’s a fact that the vast majority of British Pakistanis find these crimes disgusting. They will be as pleased as everyone else in society to have seen these men convicted.”
The BBC have given airtime to those who have said that this is not exclusively a Pakistani Muslim problem and indeed they are correct it is not exclusively a problem for that community; however Of 68 recent convictions for on-street grooming, 59 were of British Pakistani men. Sunny Hundal, for one, seems incapable of addressing this fact in his pontificating on Twitter.

Some people are bravely telling the truth but the BBC will not give them any coverage. Martin Narey, the former chief executive of the leading children’s charity Barnardo’s, has said that there is a ‘real problem’ which had to be confronted.
"There is very troubling evidence that Asians are overwhelmingly represented in prosecutions for such offences,’ he said. Mr Narey added that ‘vulnerable girls on the street at night are generally white rather than more strictly-parented Asian girls".

Former Yorkshire Labour MP, Ann Cryer, said:
"This is an absolute scandal... They (the police and CPS) were petrified of being called racist and so reverted to the default of political correctness. They had a greater fear of being perceived in that light than in dealing with the issues in front of them."
Indeed Greater Manchester Police investigated a complaint by a 15-year-old victim that she had been raped in 2008, but prosecutors opted not to press charges and the abuse continued.

Rather than publicising the fact that the police are still looking for a number of more men to prosecute in an extensoin of this case, some of whom are thought to have fled to... yes, Pakistan, the BBC seem to believe that hiding the truth is the correct role to take, presumably to prevent an anti-Muslim backlash. Have the BBC reported these words of the judge in the case?
"I believe one of the factors which led to that (treating their victims "as though they were worthless and beyond all respect") is that they were not of your community or religion."


  1. And I wonder what backlash is awaiting Trevor Phillips for daring to stick his head above the parapet:

    "Trevor Phillips said it was "fatuous" to deny racial and cultural factors."

  2. Everything is fine in the BBC multi-culti world.

    How do they know this? Well, just look at the news:
    "Here is the BBC. Ooh look, white people. They're bad (they're nasty and cheap, especially the English *well-paid right-on presenter looks grimly ready to puke*, so they should be punished!). But don't worry everybody our great EU-loving politicians have made sure they're being replaced by some special people we don't even need to talk about.

    Now here's the weather. Our climate is changing! Woe, woe, and thrice woe! It's all white peoples' civilisation that's to blame. With a chance of bright sunshine with high temperatures, rain, fog, snow, ice, and tornadoes for tomorrow. The drought is still continuing so be sure to take a brolly with you, out and about."

    Or look at kid's programs. Or soaps. Or 'comedies'.

  3. yeah, the BBC did report the judge's comments:


  4. Look at the reporting by the BBC, our so-called independent, national broadcaster: manchester -18005266

    The BBC position is that if they absolutely have to report this then it will be as local news.

    That's right. A vile crime-wave spread through many English towns from the north of England down to Oxford at least, thanks to the national issue of PC police being scared of being called 'racist', is tucked away every chance the BBC gets.


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