
Friday 25 May 2012

The BBC respond

The BBC have responded rather promptly to my recent complaint:
'RE: Complaint

NewsOnline Complaints

Dear Mr MaybeaGoat,

Thank you for your comments regarding

The report never led the BBC News site or the Middle East page. It was a
feature by-lined by a correspondent in Jerusalem.

There is a great deal of violence by Palestinians, settlers and soldiers
that we do not report unless it causes serious injury or death.

In this case, we had detailed and revealing video footage of the
incident. It involved firearms aimed and fired at unarmed people while
IDF soldiers were on the scene. As you say, we reported that the
violence has disputed causes - all parties were given a say. What is not
disputed is that settlers fired on unarmed Palestinians, though they
were throwing stones, while IDF soldiers stood by.

Best regards and thanks,

Tarik Kafala
Middle East editor
BBC News website'

I have responded to Tarik Kafala thus:
'Nota Sheep

to NewsOnline

Dear Mr Kafala,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I never said that the report was 'the lead story' but that it was 'a lead story'. The report sat for some time on your Middle East News front page in the section that comprises just headlines rather than headline and short summary.

Is your explanation that: 'There is a great deal of violence by Palestinians, settlers and soldiers that we do not report unless it causes serious injury or death.' BBC policy? Is all violence that leads to 'serious injury or death' in Israel/Palestinian territories reported by the BBC? Will it be in the future?

I understand your point re your coverage of this incident, my complaint is not simply that you reported this incident but that you fail to report others.

I do understand the importance, to deciding whether to run a story, of the availability of good video of the event. Is the availability of video of an attack very important in deciding whether or not the BBC cover a story in Israel / Palestinian Territories?

Kind regards

NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'

Let's see if Mr Kafala is as prompt to reply this time. I have asked for nothing that is unreasonable and I estimate that a reply should take him much less than five minutes.

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