
Thursday 17 May 2012

David Cameron is 'out of touch'

Ed Miliband has been pushing the phrase 'out of touch' to describe David Cameron and the BBC have been very willing to repeat the claim and spread the word. The Leveson Inquiry's 'revelation' that David Cameron signed off text messages 'LOL' meaning 'Lots of Love' when in fact it means 'Laugh Out Loud' seemed to add fuel to this fire. I must admit that I thought - oh come on David what sort of pillock doesn't know that LOL stands for Laugh Out Loud but then I looked around...

From Wikipedia's article on SMS language: 'There are many examples of words or phrases that share the same abbreviations (e.g., lol could mean laugh out loud or lots of love...'

From Netlingo: 'Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots Of Love'

From Webopedia:
LOL - Laughing out loud
LOL - Laugh out loud
LOL - Lots of love

Even The Guardian admits that
'Rebekah Brooks has revealed that David Cameron signs off some of his texts with LOL, in the belief the acronym means "Lots Of Love". She told the Leveson Inquiry that she explained to him it actually means "Laughing Out Loud". In fact, they're both right and they're both wrong, as it means both. '

However at the BBC the line being pushed is still that
'the PM had signed off text messages to her in this way, apparently believing it to be an acronym for "lots of love".'
The BBC will push the Labour line, heaping ridicule on the Prime Minister, for as long as it takes to ensure a return to a Labour government. The BBC's bias is ever more obvious but the weak and cowardly David Cameron will do nothing to reign the BBC in. David Cameron was elected leader of the Conservative party partly because of the BBC's preference for an easy Eton-educated, rich target rather than a harder to attack working class Tory like David Davies. I worry that David Cameron still believes that he can make the BBC like him by pushing the Conservative party to the left and adopting as many trendy metrosexual, liberal lines as possible. I hate to beak it to him but the BBC will never love you David, you are a rich, an old-Etonian but worst of all you are a Tory and thus hated by the BBC. Be a man for once and take on the BBC before it's too late. Will he? What do you think? personally... LOL.

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