
Sunday 20 May 2012

Is the Israeli flag now verbotten in Norway?

Israel What translates that which Aftenposten reports:
'This is how I stood by the roadside, Inge Telhaug (56) says. The police took the flags from him and arrested him.
By: Amund Sveen Horse
Published: May 17. 2012 (13:48) Updated: 17 May. 2012 (13:49)

On the 14th of May  Israel friend Inge Telhaug (56) marched by the roadside of E39, carrying a large Israeli flag and a Norwegian flag. The purpose was to celebrate the date of Israel’s declaration of independence

14 May 1948, writes.

The police stopped the man from Søgne three times, telling him leave the road side;  the third time he was taken to jail and locked up on a bare cell.

- In addition, I was fined NOK 10,000, – he says.

- Was not in the road

Telhaug now protests  the police allegations, which wrote about on Monday.

The police stopped and talked to Telhaug at 16.06, 17.13 and again at 18.52, all the time alleging he was “disrupting traffic walking in the middle of the road “, “waving flags”.

- Firstly, I was not waving the flags, I kept them right up when I was walking along the roadside. There I stood, safely behind the barrier, resting the flags on the right shoulder, across the creek away from the road as you can see in the picture, says Telhaug.

He tells his version because he wants to emphasize that he acted restrained and calm.

- Secondly , I was not in the middle of the road, as the police told Fædrelandsvennen. I was only on the road itself as I crossed to the other side something you need to do to get where you’re going. There’s no walking and cycling out here. I went off the asphalt edge, and stood whole time behind the barrier, where such barriers were present, he said.

The police, however, maintains that Telhaug represented an obstacle and a danger to the traffic.

- He was told not to walk in the middle of the road as he celebrated,  operations manager Børge Steinsland said to Fædrelandsvennen Monday.

Stripped of flags and pocket knife

As the police reiterated their requests to Telhaug stay off the road with his flags, the police frisked him, seized his pocket knife and took the two flags away from him.'
Norway's oftentimes enthusiastic cooperation with the Nazi occupiers in the rounding up of Jews during the 1940s is well documented. It seems that such attitudes still prevail in Norway, maybe helped by the recent influx of Muslims into Norwegian cities and towns and the coming to power of a leftist government that seems to follow the evil Israel doctrine so prevalent amongst Europe's left. As Israel National News mused earlier this year:
'“The current Labor/radical left Norwegian government is promoting an extreme one-sided and negative stance toward Israel. It is responsible for creating a politically-correct hatred of Israel among many people in the country. This has made Norway, in my view, the most anti-Semitic country in the West. In Norwegian history, there has never been such an anti-Israeli attitude.”

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a Norwegian academic and a historian of religion. She has authored several successful books. The latest one, Respect, published in February 2012, received a lot of publicity and tops the country’s best seller list.

Yet, there has been complete public silence regarding the sharp criticism she poses in the book against the current leftist government for its biased view on Israel.

Herland says, “Control on public opinion is so strong in Norway that it is questionable whether it can be considered a free democratic state. The Labor Party has widely used the terror attack by Anders Breivik against it on 22 July 2011 to further discriminate against any opposition and shut down public debate.”

She adds: “The Norwegian government indirectly accepts the Hamas agenda where its main goals include ethnic cleansing, terror, and genocide against the Jews. Labor Party Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre regularly defends Hamas in newspapers abroad. In February 2011, he did this in the International Herald Tribune, for instance.

“Last year Støre was caught lying on a live program on Norwegian TV2. There he denied that he held continuous talks with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal. Yet Stǿre had to admit this when the reporter told him that Meshaal had mentioned these conversations. What initially may have been an act of naiveté is by now suspect of deliberate malice. In the long term, Støre is tarnishing Norway’s international reputation by acting as a Hamas defender.

“The way Norway funds Hamas with hundreds of millions of Norwegian kroner taxpayer’s money, is pure corruption. When African states buy their way to influence, we call it corruption. But in essence, the Labor Party is practicing the same - billions leave the country in order for Norway to buy friends in foreign states where they otherwise would have little or no influence.'

I wonder if a group of Islamist Palestinian supporters waving flags and shouting their slogans of death to Israel and America would have been so treated? Somehow I doubt it.

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