
Friday 22 June 2012

Is there anything harder than extracting the truth from an opponent of Israel?

If you want to see how hard it can be to get an opponent of Israel to admit the truth, then take a look at my tweet conversation with @aarondellaria today. He called me a liar over this blogpost but couldn't find an example. He challenged me as to when Israel ever gave away land for peace but when I gave him three examples he changed the question to just with Palestinians, so I answered that. But the most interesting point was when I asked @aarondellaria if he accepted that 'Hamas wanted to destroy Israel and kill all Jews'. He wriggled and wriggled, here's some early attempts to evade answering the question:

Pathetic but I persisted so he had to change tack:

"Hamas can say whatever" - indeed they can but I want this individual to admit that 'Hamas want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews'. So I keep on asking... Here's @aarondellaria's next reply:
So he accepts that Hamas dream about destroying Israel and killing all Jews but as they know that's not realistic we can ignore it.

I wasn't satisfied as I hadn't asked if they could destroy Israel and kill all Jews but if they want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews, so I asked again and this was the response:

So it's just rhetoric and Israel should ignore the rhetoric, although previously @aarondellaria said it was a dream - so just an aspiration not a realistic aim.

I asked again and got this response from @aarondellaria.

There you go, the last refuge of the scoundrel, an accusation (albeit tangentially) that I was a racist. Not bad, he managed several hours before he resorted to that trick.Brighter than some I have had to deal with in the past.

I am not a member of the BNP but don't see why that would be relevant to my questioning him about what Hamas wanted that for a certain type of agitator an accusation of racism trumps all and I am sure Aaron Dellaria is used to people backing down before his accusations and his refusal to ever concede. Fortunately I have met his type before and beaten them (in argument) many many times.

@aarondellaria then changed tactic, don't worry he didn't actually answer my question - 'Do Hamas want to destroy Israel and kill all Jews?', no he decided to question my article's research:
So I responded:

Then @aarondellaria gets some help from @joeman42, who was easily dealt with
@joeman42 came back with the always ready insult of the intellectually bested, he called me a bigot and accused me of hating 'Muslims and all things Islamic'. Silly chap:

What sort of a person is @joeman42, some sort of peace activist/humanitarian? A believer like @aarondellaria in a two state solution? Nah:

'hates Racism Facism Royalism imperialism & Zionism' and from the map he chooses to display he is not a believer, even a pretend one, in a two state solution. He would seem to want a one state solution, Palestine and no place for Israel. Maybe the proud Irishman @joem42 should read this post from earlier today about another Irish man who found out for himself about the truth of the Israeli/Palestinian situation rather than relying on Pallywood and pro Palestinian propaganda.

For a final (for the moment) insight into @aarondellaria take a look at his Twitter profile:
He claims to be a believer in a two state solution but only sees that 'Settlements and outpost are the major obstacle to peace', so nothing that Hamas or Fatah are doing? Such an even-handed approach, so I asked him about that:
You won't be surprised to learn that 'two states for two people' @aarondellaria has not responded, how could he honestly explain his supposed even-handed position with his identification that 'Settlements and outpost are the major obstacle to peace'.

Finally, and I do mean finally, because even I have a limit to my desire to challenge those who normally go unchallenged, there was this odd exchange:
 An implied threat from @joem42 or was he just wondering if I was an 'occupying' Jew?

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