
Thursday 28 June 2012

The Palestinian Authority's latest demands prove that they don't want a return to 1967 borders

The claim that all the Palestinian Authority wants is for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders is a lie.

The latest threats issued by the Palestinian Revolutionary Council (the joint PA/Hamas body) are that if Israel does not surrender all of the lands liberated in the Six Day War of 1967, set up an Arab state with Jerusalem as its capital and make accept as Israeli citizens descendants of the Arabs who fled Israel in 1948, then a third intifada should, and must, be conducted.

I'll address these demands from the last to the first. The demand for the 'right to return' makes a mockery of the demand for a Palestinian state. This is not a call for a two state solution, it is a call for the establishment of a Palestinian state and for the turning of Isrel from a majority Jewish state into a second majority Muslim state. The second demand for Jerusalem to be the capital of the Palestinian state is unacceptable for various reasons which I have touched on before in this blog, Jerusalem is the historical capital of the Jews and should remain so. All of the Muslim claims on Jerusalem are predated by the Jewish claims. Please remember that for the 19 years that the Palestinian state of Jordan controlled Jerusalem, Jews were prevented from visiting the holiest site of Judaism (the Western Wall). Since the recapture by Israel of Jerusalem in the defensive war of 1967, not only have Muslims had control of their holy sites, they even prevent Jewish access to them. This despite the fact that they are built on top of the Jewish Temple. The first demand of the PRC is that Israel surrender all of the lands that it took in 1967 is also not feasible to comply with. If Israel did this it would lose the defensible borders that the Jordan valley affords it.

This last point is well illustrated by the following video
The Palestinians' three demands are really saying 'either give up your defensible borders, your capital and your Jewish majority status or face more violence, terrorist attacks aimed at destroying you'. Do remember that Fatah and Hamas share the same aim of destroying Israel and turning the whole of what is currently Israel, along with 'the West Bank' and Gaza, into a country called Palestine. This is what both the Hamas and Fatah Charters say, what their schools teach, what their maps and flags make clear BUT what most of 'the West' chooses to ignore. Sometimes it is tough to admit that the Palestinian cause that you support is based on a lie and enforced by threats and violence but when that is the case then people loke @aarondellaria and Richard Burden MP should admit it.

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