
Monday 16 July 2012

MD Alam replies...

Further to this blogpost, I have received a reply from MD Alam

Not very helpful is it? I have responded:
'Au contraire Mr Alam, I did read your first email. In fact I read it very very carefully. As I said in my second email: '... the questions you asked were not questions aimed at eliciting answers, they were statements masquerading as questions. You 'asked' 'Why 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?' That is not asking IF it was an official holiday but WHY it was, thus assuming that it was an official holiday. The trouble is it wasn't, did you think to check? You further 'asked' ' ‘What’s the reason not a single Jew was killed on that day?' That is not asking IF any Jews were killed on that day but asking WHY not a single Jew was killed on that day, thus making the implicit assumption that no Jews were killed on 9/11. The trouble is many Jews did die on 9/11 as two minutes on Google would have easily revealed. Do not try and play the poor little Muslim victim card, it won't wash. You didn't ask some questions hoping to elicit answers; the 'questions' that you asked were offensive statements that were masquerading as questions. ' Do I really need to explain? OK I will, let's look at the first of your 'questions'. If you were asking if 9/11 was an official holiday for all Jewish people then you might have asked 'Was 9/11 an official holiday for all Jewish people who worked at the WTC?' You didn't, you asked 'Why 9/11 was a official holiday for all Jewish people who worked in the the WTC?' That is not asking IF it was an official holiday but WHY it was, thus assuming that it was an official holiday. Do you understand the difference? Is it really your defence that you were just repeating the questions that were asked on the video? If that is the case then did you not think the questions would be offensive to your Jewish friends and all Jews? Indeed did you yourself not find the questions offensive? Regards NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'

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