
Monday 3 September 2012

A "way of getting rid of Christians"

The religion of peace again. Even the BBC cannot avoid but report
'A Pakistani imam has been remanded in custody, accused by his deputy of planting pages of the Koran among burnt pages in the bag of a Christian girl held for blasphemy.

The girl was detained two weeks ago near the capital Islamabad after an angry mob demanded she be punished. Imam Khalid Chishti allegedly told a witness that this was a "way of getting rid of Christians", a prosecutor said.

The girl, named as Rimsha, is said to be about 14 and to have learning difficulties.'
Here's some background  from The Telegraph:
'Rimsha Misah has been held at a high-security prison for more than a fortnight after being arrested in a Christian enclave outside Islamabad. She is accused of burning pages of a religious text, a crime punishable with death.

Now her supporters say she could be freed as soon as Monday.

They say she has Down’s syndrome and is the victim of a long-running vendetta carried out by Muslims who want the Christian community to leave their homes.

They appeared to be vindicated on Sunday, when Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Chishti, imam of a nearby mosque was presented before court to be charged with desecrating a Koran by adding pages to charred rubbish collected from Rimsha.

He was detained in a raid late on Saturday night after worshippers at his mosque came forward to say he had been seen tampering with evidence
“He was arrested after his deputy Maulvi Zubair and two others told a magistrate he added pages from the Koran to the burnt pages brought to him by a witness,” said Munir Hussain Jaffri, a police investigator.

The details offer the chance for Pakistan to draw a line under a seemingly intractable saga that has exposed its violent religious divide.

At the same time, however, hardliners have warned of a conspiracy and question why it has taken so long for the new witness to come forward.

Rao Abdur Raheem, a lawyer for the man who made the original accusation, accused the authorities of interfering in the case.

“They are pressurising the complainants and witnesses to facilitate the bail of Rimsha,” he told the court.
Rimsha has so far been refused bail and is being held in the notorious Adiala jail.

A medical report last week said Rimsha appeared to be 14 years old, which would make her a minor, and had a mental age below her true age, and therefore eligible for bail but the court has yet to decide whether to accept the assessment.

Tahir Naveed Chaudhry, her defence lawyer, said the revelation would bolster efforts to free Rimsha at a bail hearing today(MON). He added that no-one had managed to explain how her accusers had managed to see inside the bag she was carrying and spot burned pages of Koranic verse.

“From the first moment we believed the accusation was false and fabricated,” he said.

“The imam himself has admitted trying to drive Christians away from the area.” Rimsha’s home neighbourhood has been the scene of a long-running religious dispute, with Muslims angered by noisy hymns sounding from a church.

Muslims say they have come under intense police pressure to withdraw the original blasphemy allegation, following an international outcry.

The Vatican, democracy movements and Western governments have all expressed concern about the case.
Human rights groups believe Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws are being abused to target religious minorities or settle personal scores.

The issue is hugely sensitive in Pakistan, where 97 percent of the 180 million population are Muslims, and allegations of insulting Islam or the Prophet Mohammed often prompt a furious public reaction.

Last year, two high-profile campaigners for reform of the law were assassinated and judges are fearful of appearing lenient.'
Pakistan is an Islamic state and one where the few Christians and Hindus left living there are increasingly at risk of persection and indeed death.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like I've found another candidate the Bearded Savage of the week spot.

    Sheesh, how morally depraved do you have to be to set up a mentally retarded child for a potential death sentence, just because you cannot stomach having someone living near you of a different faith. I'm completely gobsmacked by the utter lack of humanity.

    Pakistan is a country which is eating its minorities.


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