
Thursday 13 September 2012

Barack Hussein Obama

Here's some news that you won't read on the BBC.

The Washington Times reports that:
'He’s back. And this time, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright threatens to engulf President Obama in a major scandal - one that could doom his re-election. Edward Klein in his recent biography of Mr. Obama, “The Amateur,” interviewed Mr. Wright about the president’s past. On tape and on the record, Mr. Wright claims that in 2008, the Obama campaign offered $150,000 to buy his silence. If this is true - and I stress if - Mr. Obama may have committed a crime, and if so, he should be prosecuted and sent to prison. Wrightgate could bring down the Obama presidency. ... In particular, Mr. Wright alleges that Dr. Eric Whitaker, a close Obama friend, sent an email proposing $150,000 to muzzle the pastor; Mr. Wright says he refused. (The Obama administration recently awarded a $6 million grant to the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Urban Health Initiative. Who runs the initiative? You guessed it: Dr. Whitaker.) Then, Mr. Wright claims, Mr. Obama personally visited him, urging the pastor to remain silent and do nothing that would cripple the Obama candidacy. According to Mr. Klein, Mr. Wright directly contradicts Mr. Obama’s narrative of having little contact with Trinity United Church. Instead, Mr. Wright alleges that he was Mr. Obama’s close spiritual and political adviser, someone who for more than 20 years shaped the future president’s worldview. In fact, the pastor claims that he was like “a second father” to Mr. Obama.'
Interesting but despite the claims that could bring down Obama I don't think it's the key claim in the Washington Times report. That would be this:
'Furthermore, Mr. Wright says Mr. Obama possessed an “Islamic background” and despite his conversion to Christianity has never abandoned his Muslim roots. In short, Mr. Wright appears to be confirming what I have argued for years: Mr. Obama is a cultural Muslim whose Christianity is deeply tied to black liberation theology - the belief that America and the West have an evil, imperialist civilization bent on oppressing the Third World.'
Interesting but where else can we see that claim? How about this piece from the Sean Hannity Radio Show, where author Ed Klein said Barack Obama’s former pastor helped Obama accept Christianity without having to renounce Islam. The Daily Caller reported:
'Klein also said Wright told him he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity without having renounce his “Islamic background,” which Klein said he has on tape.'
Interesting but is that it? No, there's more: Klein spoke more on this in a separate interview with NewsMax:
'Klein says Obama originally sought out Wright to discuss community activism. "Quickly the conversations turned from picking up garbage on the street and getting streetlights put up on street corners to political matters and religious matters,” Klein says. “And the Rev. Wright turned into really a substitute father figure, who guided Obama in the two major areas of his life." The first area was Obama’s identity — just who was he? "Obama was steeped in Islam but knew nothing about Christianity," Klein says. Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian. “He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,” Klein says. The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology.'
We'll return to the Black Liberation theology later, but let's look at the previous section again:
'Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian. “He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,” Klein says.'
We know Barack Hussein Obama was born and raised a Muslim in Indonesia by his adoptive Indonesian Muslim stepfather. The Blaze has another interesting excerpt:
'Wright also made some intriguing claims about the Obama family and its purported lack of interest in attending church. Since assuming office, the president has consistently faced criticism over his infrequent church attendance. According to Wright, this is par for the course. “Church is not their thing. It was never their thing,” Wright says of Barack and Michelle Obama. “She was not the kind of black woman whose momma made her go to church, made her go to Sunday school…so the church was not an integral part of their lives before they got married — after they got married.” After Wright made these comments, Klein said, “But the church was an integral part of his politics…because he needed that base.” Wright agreed with this statement, at one point saying “correct.”'
You can see the video at The Blaze. So is Barack Obama a Christian or a Muslim? Or is he really a secular Marxist? Does this really matter? Is Barack Hussein Obama's Muslim background affecting his treatment of the only Jewish state in the world (Israel) surrounded by Muslim neighbours, many of which are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the killing of its Jewish inhabitants? For some more on this matter take a look at this Fox News piece.

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