
Thursday 20 September 2012

What is going on in America?

This is just  a short post as I don't have much time this morning but observingthe news from America is quite fascinating at present. The US media is so in thrall to Barack Obama that if Mitt Romney tells the truth, he then gets attacked for it. The 47% comment has been taken out of context and twisted into meaning something that it didn't. The missing minute or so of the secret recording has been explained away somewhat lamely but the media who worship at the feet of the Obamamessiah are not interested in looking at any story that is in any way on the side of the Republicans.

Meanwhile in Michigan Breitbart reports that:
'You want to clean up the voter rolls so only eligible citizens can vote? Don’t run for Secretary of State in Michigan, because voting rights advocates, labor unions, and Democrats will sue you. That’s exactly what’s happening to Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, who has claimed there are an estimated 4,000 noncitizens on the state’s voter rolls. Johnson had championed efforts to have the state’s 7.34 million registered voters affirm their citizenship when they vote in November. In return for her actions, the labor unions and their cohorts are suing her. Johnson based her estimate on an analysis she did of 58,000 driver's licenses and state-issued identification cards which found 963 noncitizens registered to vote. 54 have a voting history and have voted a total of 95 times. By using these figures as a yardstick, as well as figures showing there are 305,000 noncitizens living in Michigan, roughly 5000 could be on the voter rolls. Johnson used the number of 4000 to account for children. In a rather strange coincidence, Johnson said that she could only survey one-fifth of the state because the Obama Administration would not give her access to more data. She also said she's been rejected by the Social Security Administration and U.S. Department of Homeland Security four times in her efforts to verify the citizenship of all registered voters. Now there’s a surprise. Democrat election attorney Jocelyn Benson, who ran against Johnson in 2010, whined: If someone is legitimately trying to misrepresent themselves as a citizen in order to interfere with our elections, then what's to say they won't misrepresent themselves a second time at the ballot box. Johnson knows the score: she believes President Barack Obama and Democratic county and city clerks are blocking her efforts to root out noncitizen voters, noting that 80 noncitizens are registered to vote in Macomb County, where County Clerk Carmella Sabaugh, who is a Democrat, won't let the citizenship question appear on applications to vote. Why in the world would any red-blooded American object to checking the eligibility of voters before they vote? Oh, wait – red-blooded American – there’s a phrase sure to turn the stomach of any liberal. '
Meanwhile in the House of Representatives I read in the Hill that:
House Democrats on Tuesday introduced legislation that would essentially nullify many of the state-based voter ID requirements that Republican legislatures have enacted in the name of fighting election fraud.


Under the bill authored by Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.), voters in states with government ID requirements could sign an affidavit attesting to their identity in lieu of showing the mandated documents.'

Accross America similar attempts to clean up the electoral rolls are being impeded. Elements within the Democrat party are desperate to ensure that every last vote counts, whether that vote is legal, of an ilegal immigrant, someone who has left the state or even died. Then there is the matter of needing identification in order to vote. I covered this story a while back in relation to the last US Presidential Election, this year CS Monitor reports that:
'The Pennsylvania Supreme Court allowed a new voter ID law to proceed Tuesday, but it ordered the state judge who first OK’d the law to take a skeptical second look to make sure that, in the state's rush to provide IDs in time for the November election, Pennsylvanians aren’t being disenfranchised. The 4-to-2 ruling suggests that the state has acted in “good faith” to ensure that all eligible voters could cast a ballot, but also asks if the rush to implement the law ahead of the 2012 election would damage “liberal access” to the polls. ... Primarily Republican-led legislatures have passed a number of tougher voting restrictions in the past two years aimed at ensuring that only eligible voters cast ballots. But Democrats, civil rights groups, and the US Department of Justice have raised questions in other states, including Texas and South Carolina, and have alleged that the new laws are veiled and illegal attempts to limit access to the polls for key Democratic constituencies. Seventeen states currently have voter ID laws, but there are lingering concerns in former Confederate states that the rules fit a pattern of prejudice against the poor and minorities, who, on average, are less likely to have a state-issued ID.'
Hmmm, 'have alleged that the new laws are veiled and illegal attempts to limit access to the polls for key Democratic constituencies', well I can believe that the US Democrat party does, unoficially of course, consider illegals and dead people as key.

'Vote first, vote often' is a phrase that comes to mind here, a practice that has a long tradition in the US, per Wikipedia:
'The British newspaper The Times of 27 August 1859 printed a letter about the use of the ballot for voting in the United States, written by Richard Henry Dana, Jr. to his friend Lord Radstock. In the letter Dana reports:
Our experience has shown us that in the excitement of great popular elections, deciding the policy of the country, and its vast patronage, frauds will be committed, if a chance is given for them. If these frauds are allowed, the result is not only that the popular will may be defeated, and the result falsified, but that the worst side will prevail. The side which has the greater number of dishonest men will poll the most votes. The war cry, "Vote early and vote often!" and the familiar problem, "how to cast the greatest number of votes with the smallest number of voters", indicate the direction in which the dangers lie.
The phrase is also noted as the "much vaunted maxim" of the Tammany Hall political machine of the 1860: they used "repeaters", who were given five dollars and free liquor to go and vote for recently deceased voters. This process was depicted in the Martin Scorsese film, Gangs of New York where drunkards are forcibly shaved (to alter their appearance) and turned back toward polling stations to vote again.'

Meanwhile whilst US embassies burn, US diplomats are being killed and a wave of anti-American protests sweepsa across the Muslim world, including France and the UK, what is the US President doing? Breitbart reveals that:
'New information reveals President Barack Obama conducted interviews with entertainment magazines and posed for a photo spread last Friday as American embassies burned and 21 countries erupted into anti-American protests. Instead of spending precious time dealing with the developing crisis in the Mid East and with his foreign policy scheme in a total freefall, on Friday morning, September 14, Obama was giving an interview to the entertainment magazine People en EspaƱol and participating in a photo session with photographer Omar Cruz. This interview was not on his public schedule and was hidden from the public. Friday, September 14th was the same day that four flag-draped coffins of those killed at the U.S. Libyan embassy arrived at Andrews Air Force base. The interview came to public attention when individuals who work for the magazine tweeted about their visit after the event was over.'

I well remember the ridicule poured on George W. Bush for continuing to read to children as news of the 9/11 attacks filtered through. The story is still hugely popular on BBC satirical news programmes (such as The News Quiz). Somehow I doubt that Barack Obama's secret interview will raise any interest from Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steele or whichever other hard left 'comic' is on the programme tomorrow. However I am sure that Mitt Romney's 'secret' tape recording will faeture large, with no mention of the conveniently missing section. Thus I turn this article full-circle, how well-crafted!

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