
Thursday 4 October 2012

The BBC's view of the first Presidential debate

The BBC reluctantly report that: 'Polls show Romney won TV debate with Obama' but look at the comments that follow the report. Actually don't look at all the comments, just the 'Editor's picks', here they are as of now:
'Comment numbe 382. vinod 51 Minutes ago This was just a debate so don't build bridges on sand.Election will tell more.It is sure U.S. has to change,that does not mean president.Obama is a good debater but he has history of more than past nearly four years to prove what he says so how can he be bolder?He is honest,no doubt..
Comment number 159. ScotUS1992 3 Hours ago I completely disagree that Obama was 'hesitant'. He was pausing when answering the questions because he was actually thinking about the question and giving intellectual answers! Romney seemed like he was reading off the prompter and as if he spent the night before memorising a script - he basically sounded like an actor, but without the emotion of a normal person.
Comment number 79. AndyEsbjerg 4 Hours ago There is only one poll that matters, and that is the election itself! I just hope that voters remember which party got them into this economic mess in the first place. Romney strikes me as the type who wishes to "Divide and Rule", whereas Obama does seem to want to help the poorest and disadvantaged in US society. I ask Americans what do you want, equality for all, or winner takes all?
Comment number 73. Nikki 4 Hours ago I literally can not believe what i'm reading!?!?! Just because he gave a more "aggressive" debate, doesn't mean he knows how to run a country properly... I have not read a single piece of evidence to show that Romney would be good in power. So why is he even in the running still!?!?! Give us Barack! If the Americans are dim enough to want him out, then there should be a place for him here ^^
Comment number 65. Nick 4 Hours ago I do find it worrying how many people in the USA, subscribe to the GOP and its "small government"/"low taxes for the well off" agenda, which manifests itself in a distrust of a national health system. I bet most of these people would no longer have such a high opinion of "small government" if they found themselves in hard times and the government refused to help.'
So of the five editor's picks, all five are pro-Obama none are pro-Romney. Who said that the BBC are biased? Are there really no decent pro-Romney comments that the BBC have received?Here's a few that I found:
'466. TeaPartyBrit 2 Minutes ago Shock Horror. A somewhat right wing US politician, a Republican even, comes across better in a debate with that darling of the left, Barack Obama. All you left wing, anti-Americans, spitting your careless bile, may have to face up to the fact that you socialists and your servants in the chattering classes do not have a monopoly on intellect, in the UK or the US. Watch Biden v Ryan.
464. Rather_Be_Cycling 3 Minutes ago Of course he did. FInally Romney's prudent economic vision gets through to voters without the endless "filtering" by the obscenely left-wing bias of the mass media.
463. Alexandre Bykov 3 Minutes ago Unfortunately, Obama's performance was flat. It seems that he could not do well without a teleprompter (?).
424. PhilSpace 30 Minutes ago 'Obama and Romney in Denver Dual' - the headline on the BBC want's to make you believe that this was close, they were equals. But the CNN and CBS data shows that this was a runaway victory for Romney. If you watch the video Obama was just outclassed and looked embarrased to be there. The headline said Romney 'won'. He didn't 'won' he won. BBC hate it that their guy 'lost'.'
And that's just from the first three pages of comments. By 100% of the 'editor's picks' being pro-Obama, s the BBC not admitting that their editor is biased in favour of Barack Obama?

Anybody fancy lodging a complaint with the BBC re this example of bias, I don't have the time today?

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