
Saturday 10 November 2012

George Entwistle resigns, don't let this be an end to the matter.

The BBC's Director General has resigned but we should not let the BBC pretend that that can be the end of the matter. The BBC is institutionally biased against the Conservative party in the UK, the Republican party in America, Israel, the list could go on and on. Let's use George Entwistle's resignation to spur on the destruction of the BBC, the country and world needs this to happen.

Meanwhile here's George Entwistle's resignation statement:

"In the light of the fact that the director general is also the editor-in-chief and ultimately responsible for all content, and in the light of the unacceptable journalistic standards of the Newsnight film broadcast on Friday 2nd November, I have decided that the honourable thing to do is to step down from the post of Director-General.

"When appointed to the role, with 23 years' experience as a producer and leader at the BBC, I was confident the Trustees had chosen the best candidate for the post, and the right person to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead.

"However the wholly exceptional events of the past few weeks have led me to conclude that the BBC should appoint a new leader.

"To have been the director general of the BBC even for a short period, and in the most challenging of circumstances, has been a great honour.

"While there is understandable public concern over a number of issues well covered in the media - which I'm confident will be addressed by the Review process - we must not lose sight of the fact that the BBC is full of people of the greatest talent and the highest integrity.

"That's what will continue to make it the finest broadcaster in the world."
I'll let sentences one to four go unremarked upon. But those last two, really! 
'the BBC is full of people of the greatest talent and the highest integrity.' - Talent, maybe. Integrity, I think not. The bias and bile spewed daily from the BBC is disgusting and there needs to be a clear out of much the BBC's management and 'journalists'to purge it of that bias and bile.

"the finest broadcaster in the world." The most biased, maybe. The most effective at brainwashing the general public, maybe. The finest, don't make me sick.


  1. add in biased against the British voice in Northern Ireland too

  2. Not bein funny like,but wot's the BBC doing getting the guy out of the Who to run it anyway.Wosnt he done for lookin at kiddy porn on his Pc?

  3. harry wallingford11 November 2012 at 15:39

    What exciting times at the BBC! But let’s try to remember the things that really matter. On today’s Andrew Marr Show, out-of-studio video clips were decorated in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen by the red-and-yellow logo “Marr” -- something that rarely happens with other BBC programmes. Perhaps this concession to Mr Marr’s greatness was negotiated by Andrew Marr Ltd, or whatever his management company is called, to help build up the “Marr” brand. He’ll need that, when negotiating fees for the lectures in TV journalism that may, or may not follow his BBC career. Fortunately he has a conveniently short name. If he was called something else — Entwhistle, for instance — the logo would look even stupider, and even more like self-serving crap than it already does.

    Meanwhile dear old Jonathan Dimbleby was on the programme too, trembling with eagerness to tell us how he felt about the terrible things that have happened recently at the BBC. But of course he couldn’t pass up a chance to plug his book as well. It was Marr who brought it up, and Dimbleby could easily have brushed the reference aside and stuck to the point. Instead he gave us the famous Churchill quote in full, the one about the “end of the beginning.” Thanks for reminding me Jonathan! I nearly left your book off my Christmas shopping list! But now I’ll be sure to get it!

    I don’t say Marr or Dimbleby are inherently dishonest people, but simply that they belong to that nasty clique of in-crowders who have become millionaires on public money and no longer have the slightest comprehension of or interest in the real story. The real story, by the way, is about child abuse -- nailing past offenders, yes, that’s the easy part, but also figuring out how we can reduce it in the future.

  4. Ano 10:4 - quite amusing but that was Pete Townshend, guitarist with The Who, not John Entwistle, bassist with The Who. Also I don't believe he was found guilty, didn't he accept a police caution?


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