
Monday 19 November 2012

It's Israel's fault for responding to attack

It seems that the world is pretty much decided that Israel is to blame for what is happening in Gaza, as it's Israel's fault for responding to attack. Here's a cartoon that nicely illustrates the logical flaw in this argument.


  1. Found your blog browsing around the 'net. People are saying Israel is just defending itself. Ok, I get that Gaza / Hamas was launching all kinds of rockets and some landed in Israel; which is bullshit. But...

    Before Hamas was even around, Israel has been pushing the Palestinians in to a corner for decades. The Gaza strip is really all they have left, and Israel heavily controls that by blockading their coastline and keeping the border under heavy watch.

    I keep hearing that Palestinians are all Islam - they're not. They're Jews as well. The problem is that Israel is full of Zionist Jews, Jews that want to see Judaism become a nationality, not just a religion. And there are plenty of Muslims in Israel as well.

    BTW - Egypt has some of it's forces in the Sinai desert on the Israeli border just waiting for something to happen (Egypt wants Israel to stop). Iran backs Hamas in Gaza, and Israel already wants to go to war with Iran - this is somewhat a proxy war with Iran for Israel. Russia has condemned the Israeli attacks, while the Obama and the UN have both said it is OK as long as you don't kill too many civilians. The US now has 3 battleships off the coast of Israel "in case we need to evacuate Americans". BS - they sent battleships because shits going to hit the fan out there.

    So on one side you have Israel and the US/UN
    On the other side you have Gaza/Hamas, Iran, and Russia.

    I'd also like to point out that Russia has been flexing it's muscles lately. There was a Russian attack sub spotted 200 miles off the coast of the US for no reason. They found a Russian attack sub cruising around in the Gulf of Mexico a couple years ago. And also not that long ago Russian bombers were spotted off the coast of Alaska and Washington state just cruising around. Why? They're flexing their arms, letting us know they're still ready to kick some ass.

    WW3 is brewing my friend!

  2. Oh geeze.. come on. A whopping 8,000 square miles the big bad bully Israel is? Never mind the only democracy in middle of all those who seek her total annihilation? Forget they treat women, gays, children and others well (ya, the don't teach Micky Mouse jihad--then strap explosives to them) on an on? No Sharia....))
    Here, a little better perspective.
    ps..the cartoon was good:)


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