
Friday, 15 February 2013

IF asteroid 2012 DA14 was going to hit the Earth would they tell us?

Asteroid 2012 DA14 is going to pass very close to the Earth, coming within the Moon's orbit indeed.

We are assured that there is no chance of asteroid 2012 DA14 hitting either the Earth or the Moon, its track has been calculated very accurately.

This is almost certainly true, but ask yourself this: if asteroid 2012 DA14 was going to hit the Earth would they tell us?

Imagine the panic, the rioting, the destruction. Would world governments accept that or would world leaders just disappear into their nuclear war bunkers and sit and wait it out?

If you are worried about the veracity of the assurances we are being given, then just keep an eye on where world leaders are from around 19:00 GMT today...

The Obama Diary shows Barack Obama on Central Time (six hours behind GMT) with free time during the asteroid's near miss:
1:10: Arrives Chicago
2:45: Delivers remarks at Hyde Park Academy
Anybody know where the nearest nuclear bunker to Chicago is?

Interesting; and maybe worrying?

1 comment:

  1. May be a mistake while calculating date of 21.12 .2012 there is a difference of two months only , calculated 5000 years ago


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