
Wednesday 3 April 2013

BBC missing something out?

The BBC have a class calculator on their website and it's a rich source of lefty thought.

Here's two examples; there are seven UP classes, the bottom one being described thus:
  • Percentage of population 15%
    Average age 50
    This is the poorest and most deprived class group. People in this group score low for economic, social and cultural factors:
    • They tend to mix socially with people like them
    • Jobs in this group include cleaner, van driver and care worker
    • They tend not to have a broad range of cultural interests
    • People in this group often live in old industrial areas away from urban centres
    • More than 80% rent their home' 
Oddly no mention of unemployment being a reason for people being in this section.

The top section is described thus:
  • Percentage of population 6%
    Average age 57
    This is the wealthiest and most privileged group in the UK:
    • They are the UK's biggest earners
    • They score highest for social, cultural and economic factors
    • Many went to private school and elite universities - 24% of people in this group were privately educated, far more than in any other class group
    • This class is most likely to be found in London and the home counties
    • This group is exclusive and very hard to join, most come from very privileged backgrounds
    • 97% of people in this group own their own home
Hmm, 'This group is exclusive and very hard to join, most come from very privileged backgrounds'. Neither Mrs NotaSheep nor I came from privileged, let alone very privileged, backgrounds but we seem to be in this Elite group. My parents scrimped and saved to send me to a good school, likewise Mrs Notasheep's parents for her. Neither of us went to elite universities (a term undefined).

1 comment:

  1. I also seem to be in the "elite" group. I think if you have a job and like the theatre that gets you in.
    Heck, if you can spell "theatre" you're halfway there...


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