
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Immigration chaos 'won't ever be fixed': UK's new immigration boss can't rule out further backlog of unprocessed cases via Mail Online

'Earlier this year, the Home Affairs Select Committee warned it would take the UKBA 24 years to clear a backlog of asylum and immigration cases the size of the population of Iceland.


... it emerged thousands of people had been admitted to Britain without having been checked against a watch list.'

This would be hardly surprising and not really worth mentioning except in passing. More here

But then I read this:
'Meanwhile, Labour could introduce targets to drive up the number of immigrants entering the UK, it emerged last night.

Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna suggested the party wanted to see more foreign students coming to Britain.

He told the left-leaning IPPR think-tank he was 'certainly open' to the idea of a 'clear numerical target for growth' in student visas.

The comments risk undermining Labour leader Ed Miliband, who has openly criticised the last government's 'open doors' policy.

Tory MP Nick De Bois said Labour 'still don't get it', while Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch said Mr Umunna had got his facts 'completely wrong'.'

We know from Andrew Neather that the last Labour government deliberately increased immigration so as to rub the right's noses in diversity. We've learnt that Labour supporting civil servants believed that morally they should help the world's poor before British people. We know that a huge percentage of immigrants who arrive on student visas never leave the country when their visas expire.

So why should we be surprised when a Labour shadow minister wants an increase in the number of student visas?

Does your nose feel rubbed in diversity?

It always annoyed the he'll out of me when I was told that we should all 'celebrate diversity' and had to listen to BBC vox pops telling me that without multiculturalism we wouldn't have such great ethnic food. I enjoy a Turkish grilled skewers as much as the next man, I enjoy a Persian Abgusht more than most. But faced with having to forgo those delicacies in return for less inter communal violence I know that I could return to a slightly less varied choice of food.

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