
Monday 14 September 2015

What makes Jerusalem so holy? - BBC News

The BBC ponder this question in this report

Can you guess which religion is put last in the report? Yes that's right, the oldest of the three religions.

But it's the passage on Judaism that interests me as a whole.

'The wall

The Jewish Quarter is home to the Kotel, or the Western Wall, a remnant of the retaining wall of the mount on which the Holy Temple once stood.

Inside the temple was the Holy of Holies, the most sacred site in Judaism.

Jews believe that this was the location of the foundation stone from which the world was created, and where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Many Jews believe the Dome of the Rock is the site of the Holy of Holies.

Today, the Western Wall is the closest place Jews can pray to the Holy of Holies.
It is managed by the Rabbi of the Western Wall and every year hosts millions of visitors. Jewish people from all over the world visit this place to pray and connect to their heritage, especially during the High Holidays.'

How's your logic? '... the Western Wall, a remnant of the retaining wall of the mount on which the Holy Temple once stood... Many Jews believe the Dome of the Rock is the site of the Holy of Holies.'
 If the Western Wall is a remnant of the retaining wall of the mount on which the Holy Temple once stood, and no doubt about this is expressed here (if there was doubt then the institutionally anti Israel BBC would shoehorn a weasel word conditional term into the description of the Western Wall), then geography would make it pretty clear where The Temple was and what is there now.

It fits the BBC's anti Israel agenda to discount Israel's claim on Jerusalem. And this is something that they do as often as possible.

The BBC don't explain why The Jewish Temple is no longer there. But then the BBC also manage to avoid reporting that despite associating themselves with the view that Israel is an apartheid state, Israel has ceded control of the holiest site in Judaism to a Muslim entity.

Perhaps the BBC could contrast this action with that of the Jordanians who occupied the eastern part of Jerusalem from 1948-1967 and during that period expelled Jews from it, ethnic cleansing, destroyed synagogues and made it all but impossible for Jews to visit even the Western Wall. The BBC could do this, but to do so would be to go against their settled anti Israel narrative and letting the light of facts onto this subject is not in the interest of the BBC or its Muslims Arab fellow travellers.

The BBC's obsession with promoting hatred of Israel and increasing Muslim immigration into the UK is at least partly responsible for the rise in anti-semitic feeling in the UK and beyond. When Jews start once again to be persecuted in the UK, it is the BBC who will share a large part of the blame for creating the atmosphere that this anti Semitism flourished in.

1 comment:

  1. "Many Jews believe...."? The archaeological evidence stands before you, FFS. This is one of the lowest moments of BBC broadcasting on Israel. Calling into question this historical fact is Palestinian propaganda. Complaint on the way.


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