
Monday 29 January 2018

Ruthless Truth: The BBC is Racist - A point of view

This article has been sitting uncommented upon in my browser for a while now. Take a read of the whole article, it's an interesting point of view. Here's an extract:

'So what's going on? Why would it be irredeemably racist to cast a white actor to play Nelson Mandela, but uber anti-racist to have a black man play Admiral Nelson?

It all comes down to the BBC's view of racism.

Most of us tend to assume that not being racist means treating  everybody the same regardless of their race, but to the cultural Marxists at the BBC that sort of thinking is naive at best and a right-wing tactic to keep blacks down at worst.

These days progressive anti-racism actually involves being racist against certain groups. The theory goes that because the white race has institutional power and privilege it's necessary to balance that by favouring 'disadvantaged' races so that the outcomes for each racial indentity can be equalised. Hence being racist against whites counts as anti-racist in BBC circles! '

What think you?

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