
Wednesday 18 July 2018

Labour takes action against MP Hodge

Finally the BBC report on the Margaret Hodge / Jeremy Corbyn fracas. The BBC unsurprisingly take the Labour Party line.

'Labour MP Margaret Hodge faces "action" by the party after reportedly swearing at Jeremy Corbyn and calling him an "anti-Semite".' 

Really, is that the wording? The reports in the Huffington Post and others say that Margaret Hodge called Jeremy Corbyn 'a fucking antisemite', why so shy BBC? Trying to protect the Labour Party leader? 

'The alleged confrontation came after Labour adopted new guidelines on anti-Semitism, which were criticised by some Jewish leaders and some MPs.


The code of conduct was rubber-stamped by the executive committee on Tuesday.

It says: "Anti-Semitism is racism. It is unacceptable in our party and in wider society."

But it does not fully repeat the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism.'

The IHRA code is good enough for local councils etc but the Labour leadership know better, or more likely can't bear to give up on their hatred of Israel that they can use to hide something darker. 

'Mr Corbyn's spokesman declined to reveal the precise nature of the action being taken against her but said it would be taken under Parliamentary Labour Party procedures requiring MPs to behave in a "respectful" way towards colleagues and not to "bring the party into disrepute".'

Respectful to colleagues? Are the Corbynistas always respectful to Blairites? 

'The Israel-Palestine conflict, she said, had been "allowed to infect the party's approach to growing anti-Semitism" saying she and other Jewish MPs had received growing amounts of anti-Semitic abuse.

In adopting its new code, the party "chose to make the party a hostile environment for Jews", she said, adding: "I stand by my action as well as my words."

The decision to take action against Dame Margaret has been criticised, with Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educations Trust, describing it as "extraordinary and just appalling".

Former Foreign Secretary David Miliband tweeted: "It is the Labour leadership which has brought the party into disrepute - not Margaret Hodge. How dare they preach about 'respect between colleagues' when this very code legitimises the most appalling disrespect."'

Hard to disagree with the non Corbynistas there. 

'Labour's code of conduct was drawn up after the 2016 Chakrabarti inquiry that followed allegations of anti-Semitism within party ranks.

The code does endorse the IHRA's working definition of anti-Semitism and lists behaviours likely to be regarded as anti-Semitic - but critics point out that it leaves out four examples from that definition:

accusing Jewish people of being more loyal to Israel than their home country
claiming that Israel's existence as a state is a racist endeavour

requiring higher standards of behaviour from Israel than other nations

comparing contemporary Israeli policies to those of the Nazis

Labour says these examples are addressed in the guidelines.'

Where and how are these examples addressed? Perhaps the would be Prime Minister might explain. 

' Mr Corbyn has said he is "committed to eliminating anti-Semitism wherever it exists".

"Prejudice and hatred of Jewish people has no place whatsoever in the Labour Party," he said earlier this year.' 

I call bullshit on that, well bullshit allied with some taqqiya. 

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