
Thursday 19 July 2018

Labour’s antisemitism code exposes a sickness in Jeremy Corbyn’s party per Dave Rich in The Guardian

This article by Dave Rich in The Guardian is a must read.

Here's an extract to give you a flavour:

'Thus in today's Labour party, it is possible to argue that Israel is a Nazi-like state that should be wiped from the map, and that any Jews who say otherwise are probably paid by Israel to do so, and not be hauled up for antisemitism. You may be told that your language is insensitive or impolite and asked to go on an education course, but your anti-racist reputation will remain intact.

All along, the Labour leadership has failed to explain why it feels it can't use the IHRA definition. In taking this position they have gone back on the previous decision of Labour's own equalities committee in 2016 to adopt the full IHRA definition with all its examples, and ignored the wishes of Labour MPs, who endorsed the IHRA definition at a meeting of the parliamentary Labour party on Monday, and the experience of the Labour-run local authorities around the country that use it.

It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Labour leadership does not want to use the IHRA definition precisely because it addresses antisemitic attitudes that, for years, have circulated and become normalised in the parts of the left where Corbyn and his allies have spent their political lives. They would rather lead a party where it is not antisemitic to compare Israel to Nazi Germany, than lead a party where Margaret Hodge MP, whose grandmother and uncle were murdered in the Holocaust, feels she is welcome.

It has become a cliche to call antisemitism the canary in the coalmine, an indicator of deeper problems and divisions in society. It is not a particularly welcome metaphor: it places Jews in the role of the canary, whose sole purpose is to die so that other, more valuable, lives might be saved. But it does speak to a deeper truth, which is that the antisemitism that has become embedded in the Labour party is not only a problem for Jewish people, and it should not only be Jews who stand against it. This is a problem for everyone.'

It's a strange world where I find The Guardian more sympathetic to Jews than the BBC. 

Is it time for Jews to boycott paying the BBC's poll tax as a protest against the BBC's support for the Labour Party, a political party seemingly led by antisemites or at least people willing to turn a blind eye (or deaf) to antisemite members of the Labour Party?

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