
Sunday 23 September 2018

Corbyn Asked Are You An Anti-Semite per GuyNews

Watch the first video in this piece on Guido Fawkes and note that:

1. Corbyn says that he's "fought racism all his life", does he think antisemitism is racism?

2. Corbyn says "Anyone that is suffering racism is in a position to define it." but then when asked how he "felt" when Margaret Hodge called him a racist and antisemite Corbyn says "I completely and utterly reject the idea that I am a racist or any kind of..." So Jews can define antisemitism unless the all wise Jeremy Corbyn disagrees? Odd that Andrew Marr cuts in just before Jeremy Corbyn has to say the word antisemite in the context of denying that he is an antisemite. 

As a long aside, why might Andrew Marr protect Jeremy Corbyn from criticism, if that is what he was doing here as elsewhere? 

Here's how Andrew Marr's early political life is described on Wikipedia:
'Regarding his political affiliations, he was formerly a Maoist and a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory, an offshoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers' Liberty. At Cambridge, Marr says he was a "raving leftie" who handed out copies of Mao's Little Red Book and he acquired the nickname Red Andy.'

A (former I'm sure he would claim) Maoist, member of a Marxist offshoot organisation, a 'raving leftie' who was until relatively recently the BBC's political editor, how useful for the Jeremy Corbyn lead Labour Party. 

'On an April 8 BBC Sunday news programme Marr said "lots of Palestinian kids" were killed by Israeli forces. Jonathan Sacerdoti complained that the statement was misleading and false. BBC management ruled that Marr breached editorial guidelines, that the statement lacked any evidence and "risked misleading audiences on a material point".'

It must be nice for the hater of Israel and antisemite Jeremy Corbyn to be interviewed by a BBC interviewer who made such partial claims against Israel. But then the BBC is institutionally anti Israel so he's the perfect fit for them. 

3. When Andrew Marr dares to press Jeremy Corbyn on the Margaret Hodge matter he is told that "the matter with Margaret Hodge is closed" but just look at Jeremy Corbyn's face, this is a man who does not like being questioned, he looks to me like a man who if given power would be a seriously dangerous person indeed. 

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