
Tuesday 6 November 2007

Gordon Brown and the BNP

I blogged earlier this morning about Gordon's usage of a BNP slogan "British jobs for every British worker" so was pleased to see that David Cameron has picked up on the same theme during the debate on the Queen's speech today...

"If we want just one example of the absolute bankruptcy of this Government, let us take the slogan that the Prime Minister wheels out every week: British jobs for British workers. Yes, if only he could see how embarrassed his Labour MPs are, how they shudder when he utters those words. I have done a bit of work on this little slogan of the Prime Minister’s. The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions told us that there should be no doubt. It is, he said,

“explicitly a British jobs for British people campaign”.

We asked the House of Commons Library, and it said:

“There is apparently nothing in the detail of the proposals to suggest that foreign nationals will be excluded from any of the initiatives if they happen to live in the area where the locally based schemes operate.”

So there we have it: the reality is that the Prime Minister has no intention of providing British jobs for British workers, because he knows that it would be illegal under EU law. His proposals will not help British people working in Britain any more than they will help Italian people working in Britain or Polish people working in Britain. That is the truth about British jobs for British workers. I did a bit more research to find out where he got his slogans from: he borrowed one off the National Front; he borrowed another off the British National party. Where was his moral compass when he was doing that?"

There you go, more lies and spin from Mr Brown. Now do you think the BBC have reported this part of David Cameron's speech on the page devoted to David Cameron's speech? Well there is just this "He questioned Mr Brown's conference speech pledge for "British jobs for British workers", saying it would be illegal under EU law and said there would be nothing to stop Polish or Italian workers living in Britain applying for the jobs themselves."

Quelle surprise - the BBC proud to support Gordon Brown.

1 comment:

  1. Another example for you -
    Yesterday on the BBC news site in the early morning they had a headline - "Darling Blocked Northern Rock Rescue Bid."
    By lunch time this had become - "UK 'faces more financial shocks."
    I presume someone over at NuLabor HQ had objected to the criticism of one of their kind!


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