
Tuesday 3 June 2008

Mapping the religions

The Telegraph report that I refer to in my previous post also includes this paragraph:

"The plan includes a suggestion that local councils should map their areas religion, surveying and recording the faiths and denominations of local residents. New guidelines for councils say: "A deeper understanding of local communities should be developed to help inform and focus the programme of action - this may include mapping denominational backgrounds and demographic and socio-economic factors."

Mapping where people live by religion/faith, can anyone see how that could be of use to a future government that was even more nasty than the current one? Can anyone think of a government of a European country back in the 1930s and 1940s that might have found a use for such data?

Can you see how a government espousing a policy of religious segregation might need this information? Are we witnessing the start of the move towards ghetto areas in the United Kingdom, the inhabitants of such areas being allowed to use their own parallel legal system within their own areas? Is this the beginning of the next stage of the disintegration of the United Kingdom?

Is it totally beyond the realms of possibility that this Labour government have deliberately imported 2.3 million people to this country so as to speed up the collapse of the existing civil authorities and so speed up their replacement by that of the EU and it's system of regional government that bypasses national government?

I only ask...

1 comment:

  1. Have a look at the DWP Longitudinal Study a "statutory gateway" which links the formerly separate Tax Records (24 years work history with names and addresses) with Social Security record>.

    This is not a one off statistical exercise, but a continuous data sharing effort, which is the model for other "e-government" schemes.

    The first uses of this massive dataset were for the racial profiling of all the the "ethnic minorities" (i.e. everyone in the whole country) into a Geographical Information System.

    The avowed purpose was benign, to check how well the Government's unemployment policies were working (or not).

    The end result, however, is indistinguishable from a genocide list, with maps and street directions for the death squads.

    See DWP-IR Longitudinal Study racial profiling


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