
Tuesday 3 June 2008

Softly, softly; fight terrorism with therapy and counselling

The first time I read this story I thought it must be a spoof but no, it is for real. The Telegraph reports that:

"Islamic extremists could escape prosecution and instead receive therapy and counselling under new Government plans to "deradicalise" religious fanatics...
The central element of the Home Office plan is a new national "deradicalisation" programme that would persuade converts to violent and extremist causes to change their views.... the new plan makes clear that people who fall under the influence of violent organisations will not automatically face prosecution. Instead, the presumption should be that some such individuals would face therapy and counselling from community groups instead of criminal charges."

Yes that's right, our Labour government want to fight the Islamic terrorist threat to this country by offering therapy and counselling instead of criminal prosecution. Have they lost leave of what senses they still retain? How many more people will need to die before this government realises that this is not a game, that these "radicalised" people want to kill as many of us as they can. Therapy is not the solution, counselling is not the solution, long prison sentences may be the solution, deportation may be the solution, the death penalty for terrorists may be the solution but our softer ever softer liberal left-wing, namby pamby government just don't get it. When, not if, when the next terrorist outrage happens in the UK and the Labour government start to witter on about being tough on terrorism and the need for the whole population to carry ID cards, to have CCTV on every street corner and in every house and for us to all be monitored 24/7 - for our own safety, remember that they took the threat so seriously that they decided the best way to fight terrorism was to offer therapy and counselling.

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