
Sunday 15 February 2009

More Man Made Climate Change scaremongering

The BBC are pleased to "report" that:
"The severity of global warming over the next century will be much worse than previously believed, a leading climate scientist has warned.

Professor Chris Field, an author of a 2007 landmark report on climate change, said future temperatures "will be beyond anything" predicted. "

I'm willing to bet it won't, so Professor Field put your money where your mouth is.

1 comment:

  1. The Earth Warms, The Earth Cools and then it starts all over again.
    There have in fact been periods in the earth's history where the CO2 in the atmosphere was at a much higher level than today. CO2 follows warming periods, it doesn't precede them. The Earth was actually 2 degrees Celsius warmer during the medeival warm period than it is now. Guess what? Man survived. Without central air conditioning I might add. When will activists trying to push the same old agenda stop coming up with new scare tactics to frighten the general public into playing along?

    Here are a few thoughts on global warming, Al Gore, and the UN IPCC. Please follow the links I provide. You might actually benefit from getting info from the other side of this arguement. Yes it is an arguement. A debate you might even call it. Call it whatever you want except a consensus for it is anything but that.

    The UN IPCC is a political body spitting out reports that support a global political agenda. Their reports are not to be taken seriously. The main body of the report often differs from the summary given to policy makers and journalists which is frequently the only section that is read by anyone outside of the UN IPCC. Many scientists have resigned because the summary was at such odds with the main body of the report.

    As for Al Gore, his film An Inconvenient Truth is full of lies. Not exaggerations. Not errors.

    Al Gore air-brushed out the little ice age and the medieval warming periods from his graphs in AIT. We wouldn't want people knowing that the earth was two degrees celsius warmer than it is now during the medieval warming period. Somehow man survived without the use of central cooling. Gore left off the little ice age because he wouldn't want to demonstrate that the warming trend he talks about began at the end of an ice age.

    He also stated that sea lever would rise by 20 feet by the end of the century. Even the UN IPCC (harldy conservative on this issue) estimates only 4 to 36 inches.

    Gore also suggested that the Aral Sea has dried up because of global warming. In actuality, it has been drained for the irrigation of cotton crops.

    Gore claims that for the first time ever, a significant number of polar bears had drowned. First of all, they can swim around fifty miles. Secondly, the researchers at one of America's most respected think tanks the Competitive Enterprise Institute tracked down the study Gore was quoting and found that only four polar bears had drowned during severe storm conditions.

    Furthermore, he quotes a quickly debunked paper suggesting there is a 100% consenus among scientists that athropogenic global warming is real. Here are a few scientists who must have missed the memo:


    It is worth noting that a UK Court ruled that AIT contained many errors and should not be shown in public schools without a warning about the errors.


    I find it interesting that Al Gore talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. He jets around the world in his private plane. He rides around in gas guzzling limousines, and has a compound so wasteful of energy that it needs its own power grid. His houseboat more than likely isn't that energy efficient either. I suppose conserving energy and fighting global warming is for the little people. Let the peasants drive the small dangerous energy efficient cars, I'll drive what I want.

    Al Gore was worth about $2 Million Dollars when leaving office and is worth over $100 Million now. He's laughing all the way to the global warming bank. It's a pity some are too gullible to see it. As one of my favorite SNL characters might have said "global warming has been bery bery good to him."

    By the way, Gore likes to suggest that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a flat-earther. The flat-earthers were the ones who refused to debate. "The debates over, we have a consensus." Sound familiar? If anyone is a flat-earther, it's Al Gore.

    Everyone who has seen An Inconvenient Truth should view The Great Global Warming Swindle in order to get a more balanced view of the true state of the science on this issue.
    You may view it by visiting:


    It is the first video listed.

    Happy Viewing,

    The UN IPCC is a political body spitting out reports that support a global political agenda. Their reports are not to be taken seriously. The main body of the report often differs from the summary given to policy makers and journalists which is frequently the only section that is read by anyone outside of the UN IPCC. Many scientists have resigned because the summary was at such odds with the main body of the report.

    As for Al Gore, his film An Inconvenient Truth is full of lies. Not exaggerations. Not errors.

    Al Gore air-brushed out the little ice age and the medieval warming periods from his graphs in AIT. We wouldn't want people knowing that the earth was two degrees celsius warmer than it is now during the medieval warming period. Somehow man survived without the use of central cooling. Gore left off the little ice age because he wouldn't want to demonstrate that the warming trend he talks about began at the end of an ice age.

    He also stated that sea lever would rise by 20 feet by the end of the century. Even the UN IPCC (harldy conservative on this issue) estimates only 4 to 36 inches.

    Gore also suggested that the Aral Sea has dried up because of global warming. In actuality, it has been drained for the irrigation of cotton crops.

    Gore claims that for the first time ever, a significant number of polar bears had drowned. First of all, they can swim around fifty miles. Secondly, the researchers at one of America's most respected think tanks the Competitive Enterprise Institute tracked down the study Gore was quoting and found that only four polar bears had drowned during severe storm conditions.

    Furthermore, he quotes a quickly debunked paper suggesting there is a 100% consenus among scientists that athropogenic global warming is real. Here are a few scientists who must have missed the memo:


    It is worth noting that a UK Court ruled that AIT contained many errors and should not be shown in public schools without a warning about the errors.


    I find it interesting that Al Gore talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. He jets around the world in his private plane. He rides around in gas guzzling limousines, and has a compound so wasteful of energy that it needs its own power grid. His houseboat more than likely isn't that energy efficient either. I suppose conserving energy and fighting global warming is for the little people. Let the peasants drive the small dangerous energy efficient cars, I'll drive what I want.

    Al Gore was worth about $2 Million Dollars when leaving office and is worth over $100 Million now. He's laughing all the way to the global warming bank. It's a pity some are too gullible to see it. As one of my favorite SNL characters might have said "global warming has been bery bery good to him."

    By the way, Gore likes to suggest that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a flat-earther. The flat-earthers were the ones who refused to debate. "The debates over, we have a consensus." Sound familiar? If anyone is a flat-earther, it's Al Gore.

    Everyone who has seen An Inconvenient Truth should view The Great Global Warming Swindle in order to get a more balanced view of the true state of the science on this issue.
    You may view it by visiting:


    It is the first video listed.

    Happy Viewing,


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