
Sunday 15 February 2009

Too much to post, not enough time

No time to post recently so here are the links to articles that have caught my eye in my first round-up posting:

1) Daniel Hannan explains why it is good news that we still have a separate currency so we can devalue. A commenter points out that
"if they (other EU countries) want it(Sterling) higher this time, then they just need to buy stirling (sic)... ECB has loads of money, nothing stopping them, why do they want us to anything?"

2) St Crispins Day explains that the Royal Navy may be past the point of no return -
"Where once there were 16 Type 42’s , St. C is interested to see that only 6 of the new ones will be delivered to replace them.

We were all up in arms originally when it was announced that only 12 were to be delivered! This was then cut to 8. Oh well we cried, we’ve lived without Sheffield, and Coventry for long enough, and, after all, the lieing cheating politico’s told us “this is a much more CAPABLE piece of equipment”. Just how does “more capable” equate to “CAN BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE”! A ship is a ship. It covers a small bit of water, or transports people to a single location where they are needed."

3) American Thinker writes about the latest anti-Semitic attacks in Toronto and wonders why
"the police demanded that the center itself close down -- punishing the innocent and achieving the goal of the mob."

4) Yahoo News report that contrary to what many Creationists claim, there are plenty of transitional fossils, aka missing links. There are plenty of examples listed, take a read, make a list and be ready to counter the arguments of the ill-informed with your knowledge of mid length necked giraffes, walking manatee, Dimetrodon and
"Tiktaalik, aka the fishibian or the fishapod, is a large scaled fish that shows a perfect transition between fins and feet, aquatic and land animals. It had fish-like scales, as well as fish-like fin rays and jaw and mouth elements, but it had a shortened skull roof and mobile neck to catch prey, an ear that could hear in both land and water, and a wrist joint that is like those seen in land animals."

5) mono-monostatic bodies as seen on QI the other night.

6) Donal Blaney wonders if Gordon Brown has been modelling the running of the UK economy on Peter Risdales's Leeds United. If this is the case, there must be an enormous new fish tank in Number 10!

7) Political Betting have a great chart to help you spot who might be the next Labour leader - Ed Balls!

8) Isreally Cool reports that
" Medicine bottles, transferred to the Gaza Strip as humanitarian aid by Israel, were used by Hamas as grenades against IDF troops during Operation Cast Lead.

The medicine bottles were manufactured by the Jerusalem Pharmaceutical Company, which is based in el-Bireh, a town adjacent to Ramallah, and the global pharmaceutical company Shire.

The medicine bottles were filled with explosives, holes were drilled in the caps, and fuses were installed. Once Hamas fighters lit the fuses, they had several seconds to throw the grenades at soldiers. The IDF also found small explosive devices that used medical syringes to hold their fuses.

The medical grenades were discovered in northern Gaza by troops during last month’s three-week battle against Hamas. The grenades were taken to military explosives experts, and then disassembled and studied.

One bottle turned into a grenade originally contained a drug called Equetro, which is used by people who suffer from episodes associated with bipolar disorder. Another bottle had contained a vitamin supplement called Super-Vit.

“This is another example of Hamas’s cynical use of humanitarian supplies to attack Israel,” a Defense Ministry official said Thursday. “Israel facilitates the transfer of the supplies to the Gaza Strip, and Hamas uses the supplies to create weapons.”"

9) Christopher Booker reports that
"Inevitably Australia's vociferous "Greenies" have been blaming Victoria's fire disaster (and hottest temperatures for 100 years) on "global warming".

But many angry Victorians are blaming the scale of this catastrophe on the Green campaigners themselves, who for some years have been successfully lobbying for stringent new laws to forbid clearing trees and scrub to create fire-breaks around towns and homesteads. Several experts have testified that the resulting accumulation of tinder-dry vegetation was a major contributor to the tragedy. In 2004 Liam Sheahan of Ready Creek, Victoria, famously lost $100,000 when he was prosecuted for felling 247 trees to protect his property. Last week his house was the only one in the area left standing. "

10) JPost report the worrying results of a pan-European survey that shows that
"nearly a third of Europeans polled blame Jews for the global economic meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much power in the business world. "

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