
Monday 2 March 2009

The scariest post I have ever made

I have been warning for some time that this Labour government will happily use force against the public if the public dare to take protest against the Labour government's stupidity and totalitarian tendencies. Today I read a rather scary story in the PJC Journal, apparently:
"In a stunning conversation with a friend, who is a serving member of the Armed Forces, over the weekend, it was revealed that transfers to regiments and other units in the UK on home duties are being undertaken by the MOD based upon whether an individual was prepared to 'open fire' on UK citizens during civil disturbances.

I found this long and extracted conversation to be both bizarre and frightening. I will state at this point that he is someone that I have known for years, and trust implicitly. The fact that service personnel are actually being asked in special briefing sessions whether they would fire on their own nationals indicates that the rumours about the Army being put on standby are indeed very true."

The article continues to discuss equipment:
"As if to add weight to this, it was reported yesterday as a tag on a posting about UKIP by Richard North on EUReferendum that plans for Army involvement were well advanced:

Recently, from a confidential source, I received information that the MoD was buying up unusually large quantities of tear gas and other riot equipment. Clearly, it has no intention of being caught out, as it was at the beginning of the Troubles, having to ration tear gas and riot shields. Maybe they might even find a use for all those Snatch Land Rovers, when they are returned from Iraq.

The implications of putting the Army on the streets, though, are horrendous. Currently, the Army is riding on the crest of a wave of public approval but, as it did in Northern Ireland, sentiment can very quickly turn. The ramifications for the campaign in Afghanistan might be significant. An Army which is sent out against its own people is not likely to attract much support for its other activities.

But there is not much prospect of the Army disobeying orders. As we saw in the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic, it went to work with a will, engaging in illegal activities, intimidating ordinary people and conspiring with the civil authorities to enforce false arrest. It will do so again if ordered, with the back-up this time of the Civil Contingencies Act which makes legal much of what was illegal back in 2001.

It goes a long way to explain why our servicemen and women are not getting the equipment they need in the war zones, lack of transport, lack of helicopters, lack of personal protection equipment. We know for instance that there are several hundred Italian made soft personnel vehicles in storage in the UK for use here, bought by the MoD to replace the snatch Land Rovers, but never sent to Iraq or Afghanistan, and the fleet of 8 Chinooks that was due to be dispatched this month are now to be kept in the UK."

PJC moves onto discuss the relevance of the Civil Contingency Act to this story:
"We believe that this Government is looking for that confrontation with the people in order to invoke the Civil Contingencies Act and make use of the plethora of authoritarian laws it has prepared over the 12 years in control.

It continues to introduce new rules, rulings and guidelines on a daily basis designed specifically to inflame the anger in the population, hoping that they will eventually snap and take to the streets."

Before giving us this warning:
"Armed with this latest knowledge, I would advise extreme caution and suggest that we heed the words of warning from Leg-Iron.

If we don't riot, Labour are likely to be obliterated in a general election.
If we do riot, there won't be one.

This Government is looking for a fight. Don't give it to them.

This trend needs to be discussed at the highest levels, the very idea that the Government is plotting against its own people is repugnant in the extreme, and I would like to call for confirmation that this disgusting process of briefings is indeed being undertaken."

All you people who scoff at the thought of the Labour using the CCA to postpone a general election, how sure are you now?

All you people who scoff at the thought of British bobbies using plastic bullets and tasers on the streets of London, Manchester and Liverpool, how sure are you now?

All you people who say that the army could never be brought onto the streets of our cities to keep "the mob" at bay, how sure are you now?

We are nearing the point where the UK economy takes a dive that even another £100 billion (or £200 billion or £300 billion) cannot delay and at that point with a bankrupt country, massive unemployment and easily provokable civil unrest; at that point how far will the desperadoes at the head of this Labour government be willing to go to keep power?

Anyone else fancy leaving the UK now?

Failing that who's for mass screenings of V for Vendetta, all in the cause of educating the masses as to the meaning of freedom?

"And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense."


  1. This morning David Blunket stated that those who say that Britain is becoming a police state are ridiculous and do not know what a police state is.
    He is certainly not the one to tell us this. His poor experience of any police states negates his advice on anything but old fools and young women.
    I have lived in at least 3 police states and find the UK situation somewhat disturbing.
    Your article reinforces my grave doubts that our incompetent government is ever capable of doing the right thing especially when the going gets tough.
    And what of our opposition parties?

  2. Well done for posting all of this, which accords with your earlier warnings and those that I (among others) have been posting for some time. This is the real Common Purpose (et al) agenda that Labour has been pursuing, and some of the quotes you have included are spot on.

    Only "lawful rebellion" can help us now, and we really must avoid rioting and other such confrontation styles that will give them the excuse to invoke the Civil Contingencies Act and the other draconian legislation they have introduced with that end always in mind.

  3. Thank you for posting this. It is deeply disturbing and something I am going to have to look into.

    I agree with you that Brown will want to cling to power. I cannot see anything in the natural scheme of things that could occur before May 2010 that could possibly swing the public back in his favour. The ignomy of being thrown out of office at his first attempt is perhaps too great. For all the talk of this "nice man" I have deep, grave concerns over his capacities. The 10p tax debacle told us a lot about his thinking.

    The CCA is a bizarre and unnecessary act better placed in Burma, Pakistan, and others of its type.

    It is funny that the leftie that wrote V for Vendetta (which is my second fave graphic novel), originally penned it as a dig at Thatcherism. How appropriate that in reality it is a Labour government that is behaving more and more like the totalitarian government of the book.

    Sorry for the length of this comment.


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