
Thursday 22 October 2009

Sex trafficking unmasked

The Guardian reports that:
"The UK's biggest ever investigation of sex trafficking failed to find a single person who had forced anybody into prostitution in spite of hundreds of raids on sex workers in a six-month campaign by government departments, specialist agencies and every police force in the country.

The failure has been disclosed by a Guardian investigation which also suggests that the scale of and nature of sex trafficking into the UK has been exaggerated by politicians and media.

Current and former ministers have claimed that thousands of women have been imported into the UK and forced to work as sex slaves, but most of these statements were either based on distortions of quoted sources or fabrications without any source at all."
Do read the whole Guardian article and remember it the next time you hear Harriet Harman or some other Labour minister bleating about the thousands or sometime s hundreds of thousands of girls trafficked every year by the illegal sex trade.

For a bit of light relief (pun intentional) you could also watch the ever vile Dennis McShane, former Labour Minister for Europe, get mastered by both Nikki Adams, of the English Collective of Prostitutes and Jeremy Paxman. Dennis McShane is in fine offensive form as he seemingly decides to ignore or conflate facts and go on the offensive. If nothing else do enjoy Dennis McShane accuse Jeremy Paxman of "patronising indifference". What is Dennis McShane's parting comment; something about "... killed"?


  1. The UKHTC is not a real police agency, it is a media engine.

    Any strategic police agency which can not find a few dozen sex slaves without trying, is a scam, and the UKHTC is a scam, as is CEOP and similar.

    Nick discovered the Brits didn't have any decent police on the job, rather than a lack of sex trafficking.

    He didn't really discover it, I have oodles of documents to and from various agencies with the exact same data.

    "This was part of a UK-wide operation which uncovered 167 victims of sex trafficking and led to the arrest of over 500 suspected traffickers. "

    IS-Amnesty and AIUK would have been told (2008) the Brits were counting *everything* that went into the van and the UKHTC were doing crystal meth rather than policing.

    ( they are a fruitcake agency)

    P1 they simply didn't try, and with P2, it was an official spin doctoring exercise taken to the limit, and then past the limit, and then to the stars.

    To be homest, it was like politicians, NGOs, all with the same infectious disease.

    Nick, was writing about zero policing, zero competence, why look for a real sex trafficker when you can pick a Chinese women from the 'rescued' list and do her instead!

  2. The following links will give your more information about this
    Washington post article:

    Human traffic website:

    Guardian newspaper:

    India newspaper:

  3. The problems I see with the sex traffic idea is that suppose some of the women were not forced into this type of prostitution, but were willing and wanted to do this type of work, and went out of their way to do this type of work. (It is a lot of fast easy money, they don’t need a degree, or a green card.)
    All they have to do is lie and say that someone forced them into it. When perhaps, no one did.

    Everything I heard about this problem was Americans complaining about it, but I never heard from the so-called victims themselves complaining about it. Why is that? Many of the self appointed experts complaining about this have never even met or seen a real victim. They make up a large figure out of thin air that 2 million or more women and children become sex slaves each year. They have been saying this for over 15 years so this means that 15 X 2, 000,000 equals 30,000,000 yet no one can find all these women and children. They have no evidence to back up these numbers, and no one questions them about it. Their sources have no sources, and are made up numbers.

    The numbers of sex trafficking sex slaves:

    There is a lot of controversy over the numbers of adult woman who are forced sex slaves. The real factual answer is that no one knows. There is hard evidence that the sex slavery/sex trafficking issue continues to report false information and is greatly exaggerated by politicians, the media, and aid groups, femeist and religious orgainzations that receive funds from the government, The estimate of women who become new sex slaves ranges anywhere from 20 million a year to 5,000 per year all of which appear to be much too high. They have no evidence to back up these numbers, and no one questions them about it. Their sources have no sources, and are made up numbers. In fact if some of these numbers are to believed which have either not changed or have been increased each year for the past twenty years, all woman and children on earth would currently be sex slaves. Yet, very few real sex slaves have been found.

    “If media reports on sex trafficking in Nepal are to be believed, there would be no young girls left in Nepal at this time”

    A key point is that on the sidelines the prostitutes themselves are not being listened to. They oppose laws against prostitution. But no one wants to listen to the prostitutites themsleves. Only to the self appointed experts that make up numbers and stories.

    This is a story that continues to give false information and is greatly exaggerated by politicians, aid groups, and the media.

    It is not easy for crimanals to engage in this acitvity:
    Sex trafficking is illegal and the pentities are very severe. It is very difficult to force someone to be a sex slave, they would have to have 24 hour guards posted and be watched 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. Have the threat of violence if they refused, and have no one notice and complain to the authorities or police. They would need to hide from the general public yet still manage to see customers from the general public. They would need to provide them with medical care, food, shelter, and have all their basic needs met. They would need to have the sex slaves put on a fake front that they enjoyed what they were doing, act flirtatious and do their job well. They would have to deal with the authorities looking for the missing women, and hide any money they may make, since it comes from illegal activity. They must do all of this while constantly trying to prevent the sex slaves from escaping and reporting them to the police. This is extremely difficult to do, which makes this activity rare.

  4. What hard evidence does the police have that these women were forced slaves? Were all the women that the police saw in fact slaves? Did the police prove without a doubt due to hard concrete evidence that the women were victims of being slaves and forced against their will? Did they account for all the benefits they would receive if they lied?
    I find it very hard to believe that most women in this business are forced against their will to do it. It would just be too difficult. There may be some exceptions but, I believe this is an attempt to over inflate an issue in order to get more government money to fight this cause. As a tax payer, voter, and resident I don’t want the government to mislead me.

  5. == World Cup 2006 ==
    Politicians, religious and aid groups, still repeat the media story that 40,000 prostitutes were trafficked into Germany for the 2006 world cup – long after leaked police documents revealed there was no truth at all in the tale. A baseless claim of 25,000 trafficking victims is still being quoted, recently, for example, by the Salvation Army in written evidence to the home affairs select committee, in which they added : "Other studies done by media have suggested much higher numbers.". Which has been proven by the German police to be completely false. Yet people still talk about these false numbers as if it were fact.

  6. == In the USA ==
    On August 5, 2008
    U.S. Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine uncovered discrepancies in a program dedicated to cracking down on human trafficking, McClatchy Newspapers report. Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales spent millions of dollars on combating the international trafficking of indentured servants and sex slaves, including by creating task forces across the U.S. that identified and helped victims. Over four years, the department paid $50 million to the task forces and other groups. Conservative groups, who pressured the administration to go after sex trafficking more aggressively, applauded his efforts.
    Critics have questioned whether the problem was being hyped. Fine found in an audit issued that the task forces and other groups set up to help were 'significantly' overstating the number of victims they served. By examining a sampling of cases, Fine found the task forces had exaggerated by as much as 165 percent. Making matters worse, the inflated numbers were included in annual reports to Congress


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