
Friday 10 June 2011

Ed Miliband update

Will Ed Balls ever dare to go back onto Andrew Neil's show where he put up this performance last year, bearing in mind today's Telegraph revelations?

How can anyone believe a word Ed Balls says from now on when, bearing in mind this that I blogged earlier today:
'One fact that seems to be garnering too little interest is that Ed Balls has now been proved to be a liar. Ed Balls has denied several times that there was a plot to overthrow Tony Blair, he has indeed previously insisted he had "never ever" been involved in attempts to undermine colleagues. take a read of this Guardian piece from July 2010 about Ed Balls' BBC interview:
'Ed Balls, a Labour leadership contender and a close ally of Gordon Brown, today rejected suggestions that he took part in an "insurgency" against Tony Blair and insisted the differences between the two men amounted only to "creative tensions".

In a fractious interview on the BBC, he dismissed as "total, absolute nonsense" any idea that he had been party to a coup against Blair in 2006, which led to him announcing his intention to quit the following year.


He said: "I was the chief economic adviser to the Treasury. I was never involved in an insurgency, I was very close to Gordon Brown but I also saw Tony Blair very regularly, but we had our disagreements."'
In the light of the recently released documents why should anyone trust a word Ed Balls says again?
I trust that every interviewer of Ed Balls in the future will prefix every interview with him by pointing out that Ed Balls has been proved to have lied to interviewers before and therefore his comments must be judged accordingly.

Now I am not showing this next piece of video as an example of Ed Balls misleading per se but it does neatly illustrate the type of man he is - a bully. I have posted this video before and make no apology for doing so again as I think it healthy to see Ed Balls in full bully boy mode as he tries to intimidate Ian Duncan Smith by talking over him, repeating "absolute nonsense" and/or "how cynical" again and again whilst Ian Duncan Smith is speaking (how rude and childish).

When watching Ed Balls being interviewed you should always look at his eyes for either the blinking that Ed 'blinky' Balls was famous for or in later years the wild stare as he desperately tries not to blink.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one. Perhaps next time around we could imagine Andrew Neil (or preferaby Jeremy Paxman) as the headmaster of Greyfriars reprimanding Billy Bunter?


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