
Monday 4 July 2011

Pat Condell doesn't like the 'middle-class, left-wing pricks' at The Guardian or the BBC and neither do I

I have blogged about Pat Condell  before and may do again. I don't agree with every word that he says but I find his views far less repellent than such as Mark Thomas, Jeremy Hardy and others who the BBC promote as the voices of reasonable behaviour.

Thanks to Biased BBC for the spot.


  1. Seriously? The rant in that film is approaching mania! I did like the inventive short hand of 'multy culty' though!

    But do you not get a bit worried when the people whose views tally with your own have such a frenzied manner of expression?

  2. Have you watched the video? 'Rant'? 'Mania'? 'Frenzied'? That is not what I see.

  3. Yes I watched it. He's dealing in crude stereotypes, can you really not see anything irrational and maybe a bit paranoid in what he believes? The Guardian isn't out to get you!!!

  4. Ah so you have changed your line. No more 'Rant'? 'Mania'? 'Frenzied' but 'crude stereotypes' - oddly stereotypes are stereotypes beasue they are deeply rooted in reality. The Guardian, The Independent and the BBC are out to 'get' Israel and people to the right of British politics; so yes they are out to get me.

  5. I have to agree with the first commenter, it is somewhat a "rant". First of all, was it really necessary to refer to "pricks" throughout? I'm not offended but it's incredibly childish. Second of all, notasheep, you mentioned that you don't agree with all his views so would you like to clarify which views you do agree with? For example do you agree with his views that Muslim women who cover their faces are "mentally ill"? If you don't you should seriously think again about posting any of his views on your blog.

  6. Is it easier to believe there is a left wing conspiracy out there than it is to accept that probably nobody really cares what you think?

  7. So many 'anonymous' commenters, why not choose a pseudonym for ease of identification?

    Anyway, Anon 9:04:
    No not necessary but that's Pat Condell's style, if you don't like it, don't watch it. I disagree with many of his views on religion; Pat attacks all religions for their belief systems, he's an atheist, but his most acerbic commensts are reserved for the only religion which currently has many followers trying to kill as many non-believers as possible. No I don't think that Muslim women who wear face coverings of various types are 'mentally ill'. I think that many are bullied into it and that others wear them as a political statement, others may wear them as a way of showing their faith. Despite his hyperbole, Pat Consell makes points that I think are valid and deserve wide watching, I post very few of them and one reason is that I feel some go to far. You are free to disagree with me, I hope that I am still free to disagree with you.

  8. Anon 9:32: No it's harder to believe that; I would rather be ignored than under attack.


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