
Sunday 12 November 2017

Corbyn's Record on Iran per Guido Fawkes but definitely not the pro Labour Party BBC

'Jeremy Corbyn says on the front page of the Observer that Boris is "shaming our nation"over Iran. Is this a wind up? Let's take a look at Jezza's record on Iran:

Accepted £20,000 for appearing on the Iranian state TV channel Press TV, even after the channel had filmed and broadcast a torture victim's confession

Agreed with a Press TV caller that Britain's national broadcaster were "Zionist liars"

Attended a Press TV / Khomeinist event just 11 months ago, while he was leader of the opposition, posing for photos with an extremist author

Attended the Iranian regime's Al-Quds Day event calling for the destruction of Israel

Attended event during which the Iranian regime's British representatives called for a boycott of Marks and Spencer and others in attendance chanted about gassing Tel Aviv

Dismissed western criticism of the Iranian regime as American desire for oil: "It does not take a late night conspiracy theorist to look at the map of the region and see where oil lies, where pipelines go, where the US bases are and which countries they do not have any influence over. That alone should make anyone very wary of the attacks on Iran"

Claimed Iran didn't want nukes: "Iran has a civil nuclear power programme, which in law it is entitled to. This has been transformed into a nuclear weapon threat by the very power that has its own massive capacity to destroy, the USA"'

More here but obviously not on the institutionally anti Israel and pro Labour BBC.

The BBC obsessed over Priti Patel daring to speak to some of the leaders of the only Western style democracy in the Middle East but ignore Jeremy Corbyn's links to the Islamist autocracy Iran.

The BBC continues to obsess over Boris Johnson's supposed faux pas re the poor lady languishing in an Iranian prison but ignores Jeremy Corbyn's calling 'friends' the Islamist terrorists Hamas and Hezbollah and his links to these terrorists' paymasters in Iran who are the ones responsible for the conditions that she is kept in.

Are the BBC blind to the truth or are they so determined to ensure a Socialist government of the UK that reporting the truth is verboten?

In the UK is telling the truth now a revolutionary act?

The BBC are a clear and present danger to the interests of the UK population. Action to end their poisonous bias and brainwashing must be taken. The Conservative government is too weak to act so who will stand up for this country's interests?

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