
Monday 13 November 2017

Imagine the furore

Imagine the furore if a Conservative MP had called a black Labour candidate a "ghetto boy" and worse. The BBC / Labour Party would be screaming in outrage and the Conservative politician would be hounded until they retired from public life. No excuse would be accepted, zero tolerance for racism would be the cry of the sjw mob.

Oddly, or not, when it's a Labour MP who has made such comments then the BBC are completely uninterested in reporting the story, indeed they actively ignore it.

Thanks to Guido Fawkes today, there's plenty of coverage online, here's one excerpt:

'Labour MP Emma Dent Coad labelled black Tory candidate Shaun Bailey a "token ghetto boy"and "free-loading scumbag" who is "not welcome" in her Kensington constituency, Guido can reveal. In a vicious 2010 blog post – which really is dripping with poison and hate –  Dent Coad labelled Bailey a "token ghetto boy"who was being "used" by the Tories and will never "fit in, however hard he tries".'

More from Guido Fawkes here and elsewhere today.

The BBC's bias in how it covers, or doesn't, such stories shows that it is little more than the propaganda arm of the Labour Party.

The BBC is a clear and present danger to the UK and action against it should be taken.

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