
Saturday 31 March 2012

Another idiot child in a Che Guevara T-shirt

What is it about middle-class children and their parents that makes them think that wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt is in some way "cool"? I have just seen a pre-teenager boy wearing such a T-shirt whilst he and his 30/40 year-old father put their cycling helmets on and undid their cycle padlocks on the local high street. I managed to restrain myself from pointing out some truths about their hero Che Guevara but for them and you here they are...

First in his own words:
“Hatred as the central element of our struggle! Hatred that is intransigent…hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine...We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas are fit only for extermination. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”
That's Ernesto "Che" Guevara speaking about Americans, April 1966 Message to the Tricontinental Conference in Havana, Cuba. A suitable person to have his face on your son's T-shirt?

Now a fact about Che Guevara's murderous existence.
Whilst the exact number of executions Che Guevara ordered is unknown, conservative estimates range from 400 to 2,000 over his lifetime. Unfortunately, the lack of proper records mean that the exact number will probably never be known. What is clear is that Che Guevara was a violent Communist who thought nothing of killing anyone who opposed him.

Here's another couple of Che Guevara's quotation:
"Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
"Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become"
A suitable person to have his face on your son's T-shirt?

here's a link to a document that lists just the documented victims of Che Guevara.

How about another Che Guevara quotation:
"To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary...These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall! (El Paredón)"

I is odd how the left have no problem idolising Che Guevara, a man who killed or ordered the killing of thousands of Cubans, and praising Fidel Castro who has been responsible for the deaths of ten of thousands, but the same people call Margaret Thatcher 'that evil woman'!

Here's another Che quotation:
Che boasted of "manufactured evidence" and stated flat out "I don't need proof to execute a man, I only need proof that it's necessary to execute him."

As I have said before, remember these facts the next time you see an idiot wearing his 'cool' Che T-shirt or meet anyone, with the possible exception if they are Spanish, who names their son after this 'hero'.

Friday 30 March 2012

Charlie's Angels topless - A slightly NSFW Friday Night Rule 5 post

Would it be possible to post print a topless photo or show a video of every actress to have played one of Charlie's Angels?

It was a tough challenge but I had to have a go. First I had to check who had appeared in the Charlie's Angels TV series, Wikipedia seemed a good enough place to start.

Charlie's Angels is an American crime drama television series about three women who work for a private investigation agency, and is one of the first shows to showcase women in roles traditionally reserved for men. The series stars Kate Jackson (seasons 1–3); Farrah Fawcett-Majors (season 1; 3–4); Jaclyn Smith (seasons 1–5); Cheryl Ladd (seasons 2–5); Shelley Hack (season 4); Tanya Roberts (season 5). Added to this must be the stars of the more recent films: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu.

How did I get on?

From the original TV series:
Kate Jackson - I drew a blank here, not a promising start. Here are as close as I got.

There is meant to have been a Playboy shoot but I couldn't find any record of it online.

Farrah Fawcett-Majors - that was much easier, so many to choose from in fact, here's a few images...

Jaclyn Smith - I failed again although this signed promo pic came close and I did find some other bikini photos

Cheryl Ladd - I was surprised that there were no topless photos of Cheryl but here's some nice ones

Shelley Hack - This time I did find one alleged screen cap, which follows two nice photos

Tanya Roberts - I'll be honest I don't remember Tanya Roberts as one of Charlie's Angels but at least she did pose for Playboy and appear in some films

From the more recent films:
Drew Barrymore - Drew took the skill out of searching, there have been Playboy appearance and others showing her topless and more

Lucy Liu - For some strange reason, there are a lot of fake Lucy Liu porn shots out there, but also some nice stuff of the type I was trying to find

Finally, Cameron Diaz - finding a topless shot of her I thought would be impossible, so I was going to be happy to post just these few rather pleasant bikini shots...
Then I realised that she was regularly shot by the paparazzi
And then I found that before her career took off she had posed for some more interesting photos

And appeared in a film or two...
Now I knew about Something About Mary albeit not this perky deleted scene

But then I found A Life Less Ordinary

And finally from the set of She's No Angel...

And again with a rather interesting beginning, go on admit that was worth watching!

Cameron Diaz topless by robertzre

That's it, my work here is done. And what have we learnt from this post? First that modern actresses are happier to show more flesh. Second that Cameron Diaz is seriously hot. And third that sometimes I have too much time on my hands!

George Galloway MP - words all but fail me

George Galloway's victory in the Bradford West by-election is disturbing for two reasons.

First it shows that shameless appealing to Muslim youth with a radical anti-imperialist stance works. This has grave implications for the London Mayoral election where Ken Livingstone is following a similar path. Ken Livingstone as I have blogged recently has been promising to make make London a beacon for Islam and refusing to disown the vile Yusuf al-Qaradawi, whilst alienating Jewish and gay voters; this is no coincidence, Ken Livingstone has calculated that he has more to gain from attracting new Muslim voters than he has from losing those Jewish and gay voters who do desert him.

The second reason that I find George Galloway's by-election victory disturbing is that is shows that Labour's pro-immigration policies have changed Britain and that balkanisation is here to stay. Thanks to Andrew Neather we know that that massive rise in immigration under the last Labour government was not a mistake but because the Labour government wanted to deliberately open "up the UK to mass migration". Thanks to Andrew Neather's revelations we know that this was at least in part due to a politically motivated attempt by Labour ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity".

So we have George Galloway elected MP for Bradford West and the strong possibility of Ken Livingstone being re-elected London Mayor. How's Britain's future looking now?

For more about George Galloway take a look here, where you will find much including his support for the current Syrian regime. For more about Ken Livingstone take a look here.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Richard Bacon, cyber bullying and Doug Stanhope

Cast your mind back a week or so and the BBC presenter Richard Bacon was presenting a programme about cyber bullying, he having been the victim of this in the past.

A few weeks before this the same Richard Bacon had undertaken a typically sycophantic interview with American comedian Doug Stanhope. Typical that is of Richard Bacon when interviewing someone from the left of politics and/or an edgy comedian, see my recent post re his interview with James Delingpole for how Richard Bacon interviews someone not to his liking. Richard Bacon included in that show a suggestion to look on YouTube for a particularly nasty piece of Doug Stanhope comedy aimed at Sarah Palin and her Down's Syndrome child. This came to my mind as I read Allison Pearson's piece in today's Telegraph which relates the cyber bullying that she recently experienced at the hands of Doug Stanhope and his Twitter friends.
Read the Telegraph article and feel free to ask Richard Bacon if he has read the article and if it has changed his view of Doug Stanhope?

Querying Jenny Jones

Following this piece I thought that I would make sure that Green London Mayorial candidate Jenny Jones was aware of Ken Livingstone's vile statements and so sent this email, I wonder if I will get a response?

Nota Sheep


to ariel.plotkin
In the last few months Jenny Jones, the Green candidate for London mayor, has made some comments regarding Ken Livingstone's candidature for London mayor.

Ken Livingstone is "far from perfect" but "we can work with him" these are the words reported by The Standard.

In 2011 she ended a piece for her campaign website with this:
'I respect and admire Ken. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to watch him work. If he returns as Mayor, I hope he will confirm his place in the world as a visionary leader as well as a brilliant player of the game of politics.'

"Not perfect"? " - An interesting choice of words used to describe a man who has embraced a homophobic, supporter of Islamic terrorism - Yusuf al-Qaradawi - and subsequently refused to apologise for this.

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who stated Jews will not vote Labour because they are rich. "Ken toward the end of the meeting stated that he did not expect the Jewish community to vote Labour as votes for the left are inversely proportional to wealth levels, and suggested that as the Jewish community is rich we simply wouldn't vote for him."

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who was himself described as "using the words Zionist, Jewish and Israeli interchangeably and did so "in a pejorative manner".

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared that "These rich bastards just don't get it … no one should be allowed to vote in a British election, let alone sit in parliament, unless they pay their full share of tax...Cameron's problem is too many of his team have become super rich by exploiting every tax fiddle … [We should] sweep away tax scams and everybody should pay tax at the same rate on earnings and other income."
But himself avoided tax.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared "Hang a banker a week until the others improve." and that the Conservative party had been "riddled" with gay people.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who talks tough on the evils of the press but Andrew Gilligan reports thus:
'Tracey: Talking about boot-licking News International, do you know there have been 26 bylined articles in NI newspapers since the hacking scandal broke in July 2009? The byline, Mr Mayor, is Ken Livingstone.'

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who was paid money to front a programme on the now banned from the UK Press TV :
'Mr Livingstone first appeared on Press TV in March 2009, standing in for former Respect MP George Galloway. Previous presenters on the channel have been paid about £500 per show. Books reviewed on his Epilogue programme include “Zionist Israel And Apartheid South Africa,” “The Invention Of The Jewish People,” and “Israel And The Clash Of Civilizations: Iraq, Iran And The Plan To Remake The Middle East.”'

Why should a Jewish voter even consider voting for someone who respects and admires Ken Livingstone?

Does Jenny Jones agree with some or all of Ken Livingstone's actions and statements as shown above?

Does Jenny Jones still respect and admire Ken Livingstone? Does Jenny Jones still consider Ken Livingstone merely to be "no perfect"? Does Jenny Jones still think Ken Livingstone is a worthy recipient of Green party voters' second preferences for London Mayor?


NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

Ken Livingstone is "far from perfect" but "we can work with him" (updated at 07:30)

Ken Livingstone is "far from perfect" but "we can work with him" these are the words reported by The Standard yesterday as being said by the Green Party's candidate for London Mayor, Jenny Jones.

In fact she has said more than that. In 2011 she ended a piece for her campaign website with this:
'I respect and admire Ken. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to watch him work. If he returns as Mayor, I hope he will confirm his place in the world as a visionary leader as well as a brilliant player of the game of politics.'

"Not perfect"? "Not perfect"? An interesting choice of words used to describe a man who has embraced a homophobic, supporter of Islamic terrorism - Yusuf al-Qaradawi - and subsequently refused to apologise for this.

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who stated Jews will not vote Labour because they are rich. "Ken toward the end of the meeting stated that he did not expect the Jewish community to vote Labour as votes for the left are inversely proportional to wealth levels, and suggested that as the Jewish community is rich we simply wouldn't vote for him."

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who was himself described as "using the words Zionist, Jewish and Israeli interchangeably and did so "in a pejorative manner".

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared that "These rich bastards just don't get it … no one should be allowed to vote in a British election, let alone sit in parliament, unless they pay their full share of tax.
"Cameron's problem is too many of his team have become super rich by exploiting every tax fiddle … [We should] sweep away tax scams and everybody should pay tax at the same rate on earnings and other income."
But himself avoided tax.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe a man who declared "Hang a banker a week until the others improve." and that the Conservative party had been "riddled" with gay people.

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who talks tough on the evils of the press but Andrew Gilligan reports thus:
'Tracey: Talking about boot-licking News International, do you know there have been 26 bylined articles in NI newspapers since the hacking scandal broke in July 2009? The byline, Mr Mayor, is Ken Livingstone.'

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe an unapologetic socialist who praises Hugo Chavez:

"Not perfect"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who campaigned against the official Labour candidate in Tower Hamlets chosing to support Lutfur Rahman instead.

"respect and admire"? An odd choice of words to describe someone who was paid money to front a programme on the now banned from the UK Press TV :
'Mr Livingstone first appeared on Press TV in March 2009, standing in for former Respect MP George Galloway. Previous presenters on the channel have been paid about £500 per show. Books reviewed on his Epilogue programme include “Zionist Israel And Apartheid South Africa,” “The Invention Of The Jewish People,” and “Israel And The Clash Of Civilizations: Iraq, Iran And The Plan To Remake The Middle East.”'

Ken Livingstone hopes to benefit from the large Muslim vote in London and is courting it with his choice of allies and words. Let's hope that decent people of London of whatever religion, or none, stand up for the rights of the followers of religions other than Islam as well as homosexuals, etc. In fact for all those people the man Ken Livingstone called moderate wishes harm to.

Ken Livingstone is an unredeemed socialist, a former associate of some of the murderers in the IRA, as well as a recent inviter and defender of an Islamist extremist to speak in London. Let's make sure Ken Livingstone never gets his hands on any of the levers of power by being re-elected to bring more shame on this great city.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

More topless protesting

The idea of using topless or naked women to garner attention to your protest seems to be catching on; oh dear how sad, never mind!

A protest with a difference has taken place outside the home of the former IMF chief Dominique Strauss Kahn in Paris. A Ukrainian feminist organisation organised a “topless demonstration” to protest against the dropping of sex charges against him in New York. No Comment | euronews: watch the international news without commentary |

Topless protest against DSK in Paris - no comment by nocommenttv

British MPs beware of publicly supporting Israel

British MPs beware of publicly supporting Israel. JPost reports that:
'A British MP says he fears for his life after receiving death threats for defending Israel in an exchange with a constituent.

The Conservative MP for Henley, John Howell, has been offered police protection for meetings with voters after an email exchange with the constituent was posted online.

He has also been forced to remove the details of his district offices from his website.

Constituents who want to meet him must now call a constituent hotline.

Pro-Palestinian activist Harry Fear, from Watlington in Oxfordshire, sent Howell an email on March 10 asking what he was doing “to see that Israel halts the military actions that are taking place in defiance of international law and basic human decency.”

A photograph of a building exploding accompanied the email with a caption stating: “Only a few hours ago, Israel felt it necessary to inflict this destruction and death on the [Gaza] Strip.” The photo was in circulation back in 2009 and is completely unrelated to recent events in Gaza.

Responding to the email, Howell said: “And what is your position, Harry, on the 100 rockets which have landed in Israel over the weekend?” Fear posted the question, together with the MP’s reply, on his blog and Facebook page. He included the MP’s contact details and instructed people write to Howell “civilly, expressing discontent with his conduct.”

The Conservative MP said he received around 30 emails; some were “worrying.”

“There are a huge number of emails from pro-Palestinian and Arab fanatics, some from the UK and some clearly not, some equally threatening,” Howell said.

One email said: “You will suffer the consequences of this corruption and callousness.”

There was also a series of emails from some calling himself “Jihad Alshamie,” who told him: “It is people like you who deserve to die.”

“The last thing I want to appear as is a drama queen, but you have to take seriously a threat when it says, ‘I would like to see you dead,’” Howell said.

“It is not just a question of me, it is my family and my staff. All it takes is one person out there who is weird enough, with a distorted view of life, to make an attempt to carry this out.”

In 2010, Labor MP Stephen Timms was stabbed at a constituency meeting by Roshonara Choudhry, who was said to have been inspired by radical websites, for his support of the Iraq war. She was found guilty of attempted murder and jailed for life.

Last year, members of the Muslims Against Crusades group made death threats against Conservative MP Mike Freer for his support of Israel, when he visited constituents at a north London mosque.

“I have been helped by the House authorities in Parliament, who are assessing the level of risk, and also by Thames Valley Police, who have provided extremely good security advice. If I feel at all unsafe there can be a policeman with me at a surgery [district office],” Howell said.

Howell said that Fear was not responsible for the threats but questioned the way Fear interpreted his response. He said he only wanted to address the lack of balance in Fear’s email.

“My stated position on the Middle East is that in order to have peace we need a secure and universally recognized Israel alongside a sovereign and viable Palestinian state,” Howell said.

Continuing to pursue the issue, Fear said that the MP’s response was “deeply disturbing” and “latently abusive,” as Howell “did not extend me the professional practice (or even human courtesy) of writing a proper and serious reply.”

Fear has sent a complaint to Parliament and the Conservative Party. He has also sent the correspondence to The Guardian and The Independent.

The Zionist Federation of the UK has called for people to write letters expressing support for Howell.'
Life for supporters of Israel in the UK will not get any easier as the climate of public opinion is manipulated by the BBC more and more towards delegitimising Israel's very existence and as the influence & power of Islamists in the UK grows.

David Cameron plays badminton like a tennis player

David, hit through the shuttlecock don't thrash at it, and also use the wrist...

Barack Obama's birth-certificate, more questions

WND has an anteresting article, here's an extract:
'After months of searching, investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to examine Barack Obama’s eligibility for office found Immigration and Naturalization Service travel records for foreign flights into Hawaii in 1961, only to discover that records for the week of Obama’s birth were missing.

Investigators were searching to determine if Barack Obama might have been born in a foreign country and returned to Honolulu in or around August 1961 with his mother, Ann Dunham.

Arpaio’s team looked at databases in the National Archives and Records Administration with microfilm of INS passenger records for foreign flights arriving in Honolulu and New York City.

If Obama was not born in Hawaii, as he and the Hawaii Department of Health have been insisting, there should be INS passenger cards that the new mother filled out for herself and her infant son upon arrival in Honolulu from a Pacific Rim city or arrival in New York City from across the Atlantic.'
Read the whole article and wonder...

More left-wing nastiness

The left claim to be the nice, reasonable, caring side of politics; the truth is somewhat at variance. In the UK the hatred spewed by the left at Margaret Thatcher and any other politicians who dare(d) to oppose the leftist culture of the UK often disgusts me. In America is is nearly as bad, read the comments reported in this Daily Caller article from people of the left responding to news of Dick Cheney's heart transplant, here's a few:
'“Whoever donated their heart to dick cheney: fuck you,” tweeted @yokelesy.

“Cheney’s black soul keeps rotting out his heart. Fuck that bitch,” @SolidGlo waxed poetic.

“Why in the contumacious fuck are we wasting a perfectly good heart on dick cheney?” tweeted @mr_senor_pete

Another offered a different if similar perspective, expressing happiness for Cheney’s transplant — so that Cheney could one day meet his demise in a fire.

“I’m glad Cheney survived his heart transplant because I’ve always wanted him to die in a horrible fire,” @Jedimasterbator tweeted.'
Nice people, nice.

How coincidental

I note that the BBC's Poll Tracker has just reappeared as a link on the main politics news page. It has been noticeable by its absence for some months now but coincidentally just as a few polls show a Labour lead, the Poll Tracke re-emerges; it would be funny were it no sinister and predictable.

A parody or have I really upset someone?

I have just posted a comment to my piece about how the American left is silencing opposition, often by violence or threats of violence. In reply I received this comment:
'Anonymous said...

Firstly, you're a ignorant and brainwashed Yank (the US has the most uniformly indoctrinated and brainwashed population of the Western world, if not the hole world), and consequently you don't know what "Left" is. Secondly you're a lying bastard; your claims of the Left intimitating people is deliberate dishonesty and slander on your part, else you're stupid and gullable. The Left only use intimitation out of necesseity in extremes, against evil people who would be less kind to them were roles reversed(the far Right). Finally, you do not "think for yourself', you are literally a sheep despite your telling protestations. You espouse the mainstream, status quo, authoritarian narratives and ideology the uber wealthy and parasite capitalist minority; the ruling class; has programmed you and the majority of Americans with. You are not a skeptic; you are not a free thinker; you are an unwitting muppet for Right-wing oligarchs at best, at worse a lying right-wing ideologue hell bent on manipulating people and steering them away from the truth and reality.'
Anger issues there? But let's look at facts:

1. 'you're a ignorant and brainwashed Yank' - I am English as any reader of this blog would know

2. I might take you seriously if you knew the difference between the homophones 'hole' and 'whole'

3. 'your claims of the Left intimitating people is deliberate dishonesty and slander on your part' - I laid out examples so not dishonest and I might take you more seriously if you could spell 'intimidating

4. 'else you're stupid and gullable' - So anyone who doesn't share your warped world view is stupid, a liar or gullible. Again I might take you more seriously if you could spell 'gullible'

5. First you state that my claims re the left's intimidation is slanderous but then admit that 'The Left only use intimitation out of necesseity in extremes' Do I really need to correct your misspelling of necessity?

6. You claim that the left only use intimidation against 'evil people who would be less kind to them were roles reversed(the far Right'. What gives the left (and you) the right to decide who is evil? Also did you watch the video, are the people being intimidated all 'evil'? Are they of the 'far right' or is the 'far right' just like screaming 'racist' - a way of trying to shut down debate?

7. You tell me that I 'espouse mainstream, status quo, authoritarian narratives'. Have you read my blog? I am rarely mainstream, often rail against the status quo and so much of my blog is about fighting authoritarianism.

8. I've never been called a muppet (unwitting or otherwise) before, I quite like it. Which muppet do I most resemble? Unless of course you are using muppet in its rather more English context as in 'you muppet' (said with aggressive mockney accent).

9. Finally you proffer the possibility that I am a 'lying right-wing ideologue hell bent on manipulating people and steering them away from the truth and reality.' I won't correct all of your grammatical mistakes in that last line, although you desperately need at least one comma there, but instead point out that I am explaining the truth and pointing out reality, it is you that is following sheep-like the left's narrative.

Receiving comments from angry lefties is so rewarding, this morning I got a whole article out of just one comment!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Antisemitism across Europe

Incidents of anti-Semitism are now commonplace in much of Europe; all over Sweden, in Amsterdam &  Rotterdam, in Paris, Marseilles & Toulouse and now in Brussels:
'At around 15:40, four individuals of Arab-Muslim origin arrived at the door of the Athenaeum Maimonides in Anderlecht and tried to pull the door to enter multiple times.

The security services of the school intervened and were joined by police officers on site.

  When checking on individuals, one of them said, "I do not care to touch the door of shit dirty Jew."

A complaint was filed with the police. The four individuals are illegal in Belgium.'
Jews across Europe in cities with large Muslim populations are having to consider how long they can remain in their communities.

How the left are silencing dissent in the USA and the left here are on the same path

'Workforce Fairness is releasing a series of videos chronicling left-wing intimidation, including showing up at people’s houses to harass them and their families. We’re pleased to debut the first of the videos here at RedState. The videos document a growing trend in American civic discourse — the use of intimidation against private citizens to punish dissent.


Routinely, conservative activists are targeted for harassment, subject to degrading comments, etc. from the left and they are okay with that. Bill Maher gets invited to keynote Democratic dinners.

Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, in a Lenten Letter to his pastoral flock, said that evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then tries to silence good. The secular left, having preached tolerance for years, is proving the Archbishop true with their new found intolerance for opposing views. Witness opponents to Proposition 8 in California actively targeting for harassment supporters of Proposition 8. Witness union goons showing up on the doorsteps of private citizens to scare them into submission. Witness Media Matters For America targeting American supporters of Israel and attacking them as “Israel Firsters,” questioning their loyalty to the United States.

The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view.'
Thanks to Redstate for the video spot and the above text.

Barack Obama signals that he will cave over missile defence and the BBC just yawn

At a meeting with current Russian President Medvedev at a nuclear summit in Seoul, Barack Obama let slip when he thought the microphones were off that:
"This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility"
President Medvedev then said that he would relay the US president's position to president-elect Vladimir Putin.

To the BBC this is a piece of minor news, I have yet to hear it reported on the radio and the BBC news website has just this little piece

If the US President revealing that he will likely cave into Russian pressure on missile defence once the inconvenience of a Presidential election was safely passed, is not news then what is?

Israel and the United Nations Human Rights Council - the BBC's reporting vs the truth

The BBC report this morning that:
'Israel has cut working relations with the UN Human Rights Council, officials say, after it decided to investigate Jewish settlements in the West Bank.'
I think that some background to the United Nations Human Rights Council and Israel is required.
'As of 2010, Israel had been condemned in 32 resolutions by the Council since its creation in 2006. The 32 resolutions comprised 48.1% of all resolutions passed by the Council. By April 2007, the Council had passed nine resolutions condemning Israel, the only country which it had specifically condemned. Toward Sudan, a country with human rights abuses as documented by the Council's working groups, it has expressed "deep concern.".

The council voted on 30 June 2006 to make a review of alleged human rights abuses by Israel a permanent feature of every council session. The Council's special rapporteur on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is its only expert mandate with no year of expiry. The resolution, which was sponsored by Organisation of the Islamic Conference, passed by a vote of 29 to 12 with five abstentions. Human Rights Watch urged it to look at international human rights and humanitarian law violations committed by Palestinian armed groups as well. Human Rights Watch called on the Council to avoid the selectivity that discredited its predecessor and urged it to hold special sessions on other urgent situations, such as that in Darfur.

The Special Rapporteur on the question of Palestine to the previous UNCHR, the current UNHRC and the General Assembly was, between 2001 and 2008, John Dugard. Bayefski quotes him as saying that his mandate is to "investigate human rights violations by Israel only, not by Palestinians". Dugard was replaced in 2008 with Richard Falk, who has compared Israel's treatment of Palestinians with the Nazis' treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. Like his predecessor, Falk's mandate only covers Israel’s human rights record.'
So the UNHRC is hardly an unbiased organisation is it? And why should any country take lessons on Human Rights from an organisation whose members at the moment include such supporters of human rights as Saudi Arabia who the BBC report elsewhere today thus:
'In Saudi Arabia, there were at least 82 executions compared to at least 27 the previous year, while Iraq executed at least 68 people, compared to at least one in 2010, according to Amnesty.'
Other members of the UNHRC include other beacons for human rights as Libya (elected when under the Gaddaffi regime), Cuba and heaven help us China. China being a country which the same Amnesty International report as quoted by the BBC says:
'it also noted that China executed more people than the rest of the world put together.


Amnesty no longer publishes figures for China, where the data is considered a state secret. The rights group believes the figure to be in its thousands.'

If only

The BBC report that 'People who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner, new research suggests.'

If only!

Just bad taste or indicative of something worse in the Turkish mindset?

A Turkish advertisement for Biomen shampoo. Is it bad taste or worse to use Adolph Hitler in such an advert?

Monday 26 March 2012

The one hundred and sixty-third weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award

This week's award must go to the various people who are seemingly shocked to discover that donating money to the government party ensures you access to the men at the top of that governing party.

'Money buys accesss'

"No shit, Sherlock"

An article that I neglected to pass on back in February

Melanie Phillips beautifully summed up the way that the BBC allow small left-wing groups to set the agenda in Britain. Here's a hort extract:
'How very typical. The BBC always seems ready to sign up to the latest wailing and whingeing from the public sector, doubtless because it is itself used to receiving large amounts of public money.

Too often it sounds like the Guardian of the airwaves. And it is the Guardian which surely takes the biscuit for the most shameless and poisonous hypocrisy over the ‘Right to Work’ campaign.

For it produced piece after piece supporting the campaign’s ludicrous claims, and rejoicing at the bloody nose the protesters were giving the work experience scheme.

Yet this is the same Guardian which even now is advertising for its own work experience scheme where people voluntarily work for nothing because they are glad to get the experience.

Does this not just tell you all you need to know about the left? Purporting to care about the poor, they kick away from them the ladder of opportunity they provide for their own young people. Bloated with often inherited wealth themselves, they flay companies that make wealth and opportunity for others.

The Government’s work experience scheme is part of a crucial and commendable attempt to rescue lives being ruined by joblessness. The SWP want to destroy that scheme because their aim is to destroy British society.

But the companies who have caved in, along with the BBC and the left-wing press, are far worse — because they have shamefully made themselves complicit in that nihilistic and despicable aim which so cavalierly trashes the poor.'

Sunday 25 March 2012

Are you ashamed of being a banker? How ashamed?

In London I hear tell that some bankers are shy of admitting this. In Madrid I read that 'bankers have made some pitiful attempts to use their services by pretending to be engineers or architects.' In Madrid there is another reason why some bankers are hiding their chosen profession and according to Russia Today it is all down to another profession (the oldest profession):
'Madrid’s high-class escorts have found a way to regulate the Spanish banking sector. The ladies want to have their say in the economy by withholding sexual pleasures from bank employees.

The largest trade association for luxury escorts in the Spanish capital has gone on a general and indefinite strike on sexual services for bankers until they go back to providing credits to Spanish families, small- and medium-size enterprises and companies.

It all started with one of the ladies who forced one of her clients to grant a line credit and a loan simply by halting her sexual services until he “fulfills his responsibility to society.”

The trade association's spokeswoman praised their success by stressing the government and the Bank of Spain have previously failed to adjust the credit flow.

"We are the only ones with a real ability to pressure the sector," she stated. “We have been on strike for three days now and we don't think they can withstand much more.”

She has revealed that bankers have made some pitiful attempts to use their services by pretending to be engineers or architects.

“But they don't fool anyone since it has been many years since these professionals could afford rates that start from 300 euro an hour," she continued.

The bankers reportedly became so desperate that they even decided to call in the government for mediation.

The Mexican website, which initially published the story, cites the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness as admitting that the lack of legislation regulating the escort sector makes it very difficult for the government to intercede in the conflict.

"In fact, there has not even been a formal communication of the strike — the escorts are making use of their right of admission or denying entry to…well, you know. So no one can negotiate," he was quoted as saying.'
A fascinating story that reminds me of the Aristophanes play Lysistrata in which one, Lysistrata, persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace and thus end the Peloponnesian War.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Slow-motion Felicity Kendal - NSFW

I know that I have posted the video and stills of the (in)famous Feleicity Kendal Good Life nipple-slip before but I have now found a slow-motion video that I think bares (deliberate misspelling) repetition!

Leading members of the last Labour government regularly confused reducing 'debt' with reducing 'the deficit' but Owen Jones seems to be even more economically illiiterate

Owen Jones, in his own words, is '...a lefty currently based in Hackney; and I grew up in Sheffield, Falkirk, and above all Stockport (get in touch if you want a list of Stocky-related facts…) I’m a former flunky for unions and Labour MPs, and author of ‘Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class’, which was published by Verso in 2011.

My ramblings have been published in the Guardian, the Independent, the New Statesman, The Sunday Mirror, Le Monde Diplomatique, Frankfurter Allgemeine, the Morning Star, the New Humanist, Liberal Conspiracy, LabourList, Left Futures, and Open Democracy. I’ve also been inflicted on the public through BBC Newsnight, BBC, Breakfast News, ITV Day Break, Sky News, BBC News, The Big Questions, Channel 4′s 10 O’Clock and various radio stations.'

Here's part of one of his latest appearances on the BBC's Daily Politics this week where he shows either a complete misunderstanding of the difference between wealth and earnings or the typical Labour spokesman's ability to be economical with facts... 'it depends actually!'
Michael Portillo looks even more amused by the interviewee than normally.

So far no mention of this latest TV appearance at Owen Jones's blog, I'm sure it's only a matter of time though!

Owen Jones has form in making stupid or misleading remarks, here's just two.

Owen Jones says he is pro-secularism, but then drifts into a condemnation of anti-Muslim sentiments, why so? I wonder if Owen Jones would agree with Ken Livingstone's support for Yusuf al-Qaradawi and other Labour figures support for Raed Salah (as I blogged yesterday), or if he would stand up for freedom?

I also note that Owen Jones has picked up a lazy rhetorical trick from Barack Obama, or is it a case of 'great minds think alike/fools seldom differ'?

Owen Jones with a Tesco 'slave-labour' claim that even John Prescott looks bemused by, although to be fair that is his normal expression.

Owen Jones a fine example of the sort of person that supports and indeed leads Labour policy.

Thanks to The Commentator via Guido Fawkes for the first video spot.

Do you mean to say that Barack Obama is just full of s**?

The Danes manage to work out that Barack Obama is like a stuck record, I wonder if the BBC's satirical news programmes will pick up on this story or will they continue to verbally felate Barack Obama? I think we all know the answer to that question.

Thanks to The Jawa Report for the video spot.

I know yesterday was a Friday, but in London it was definitely 'Tit Tuesday'

But what is Tit Tuesday, I hear you ask.
'Originally Posted by boardinwork
Ahhh Tit Tuesday. It's not that far off now gentlemen. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You know? That glorious day when, heading into work on the bus, or walking to the Dart, or sitting on the Luas, you find yourself suddenly chirpier than you have been in months. You find yourself smiling at strangers again. There is a mild involuntary tumescence in your trousers (no, not your mobile) that comes and goes throughout the morning with the comforting regularity of a heartbeat.

And then you get a text around lunchtime from a mate or a colleague that reads: “At last, Tit Tuesday!” And you instantly understand why you are so happy.

For Tit Tuesday is that special day in the year when, for the first time, the temperature rises above that magical point which causes hens getting dressed in the morning to decide to show a bit of skin. After months of dull colours and chunky knits, the world's birds suddenly dive into last summer's wardrobe (the recession means they've not had a chance to buy this season's stuff) and chuck it on without a thought. Your urban landscape is suddenly lightened with acres of naked arm and leg and, after many dark months of burrowing, breasts rising to the surface like moles at dusk. In other words – it’s about to become a flesh-fest out there lads.

Big breasts in white work shirts straining at the buttons. Small breasts braless in vest tops, the nipples frotted by ribby fabrics. Breasts in summer dresses bouncing in the distance so that they catch your eye before you even notice there is someone wearing them. Breasts nudging out from the crowd at traffic islands, quivering to cross the road... and you know it is nearly summer.

You’ve heard of the X-Factor, well how about the W-Factor? If going to college taught me anything it’s that Marketing can be summed up by the 4Ps – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. If getting hitched taught me anything it’s that diamonds can be summed up by the 4Cs – Cut, Clarity, Carat and Colour. Well lads, if Tit Tuesday has taught me anything it’s that boobies, bajongas and airbags can be summed up by the 4Ws – Weight, Width, Wobbly-ness and my personal favourite Would ya?-ness.

For previous,the arrival of spring was heralded by the sound of the first cuckoo. For the rest, the young uns - it is Tit Tuesday.

Not that it always falls on a Tuesday. Easy there tiger. Like Easter, Tit Tuesday is a moveable feast. Last year it fell on a Wednesday. 23rd April, to be precise, when temperatures maxed out at 22.1C after nothing much above 16C all year. As I’m sure most of you are aware, ya scamps, it last fell on a Monday in 2004, when temperatures leapt to 22C on 24 April.

And then, of course, there is Tit Tuesday Night. You see, in early summer, temperatures drop off very dramatically when night falls (Tit Friday 2005 dropped away to a parky 11.8C). But the hens are not prepared. Slightly stunned by the morning heat, they drag out the summer clothes but forget to bring a cardy (a mistake they will not make again until next year so savour it), so that when they're all standing out the back of the pub after work celebrating the arrival of spring, their barely covered nipples have no protection from the cold. It's like a Bring-and-Buy sale where everyone has brought hat pegs. It's like a Lionel Richie gig in the O2 where, instead of lighters, everyone is holding up nipples.

So when will Tit Tuesday fall this year? Will you be the first to text your mates or colleagues with the announcement? Do not shoot your load too early. There will be false starts. You will smell fresh cut grass and see a couple of early starters and feel compelled to declare Tit Tuesday. But your more level-headed friends will tell you to hold your horses, keep your powder dry, don't fire until you see the whites of their bra straps.

As the Dalai Lama once famously said: One bold Talbot Street slapper in a bikini top doth not a summer make.'
In London on Friday 23 March it was definitely Tit Tuesday, I love the Spring!

Strange choice of priorities for someone in a 'caring profession'

The Telegraph reports the following, under the headline 'Woman died after Muslim nurse refused to help as he was praying':
'Alzheimer's sufferer Dorothy Griffiths, 87, was found sitting down after staff heard a bang and a carer went to the office for help to lift her.

But agency nurse Abdul Bhutto, who was in charge, said they would have to wait.

Carer Zoe Shaw told the Sheffield hearing: "It took between five and ten minutes because he was praying upstairs in the office on his prayer mat. A staff member told me we had to wait for him to finish."

An ambulance was not called for nearly four hours after Mrs Griffiths fell from bed and cut her head and suffered a gash to her hip at the privately-run Valley Park Nursing Home in Wombwell, near Barnsley.

She died later in hospital. Mr Bhutto failed to appear at the inquest and a summons had to be issued for him to attend the resumed hearing later in the year.

Assistant deputy coroner Donald Coutts-Wood said he had contacted him during a recess and he denied being the duty nurse that night and said he had been there on a course.

Mrs Griffiths, the widow of former Barnsley footballer Steve Griffiths, who used to live in Wombwell, had been a resident at the home since 2009 and died last November.

She was put to bed at 9.45pm on October 24 and checked checked every two hours, according to Zoe Shaw.

The old lady was using the toilet at 4am and Mrs Shaw went to an office to fill in paperwork.

She said Mrs Griffiths was not prone to falls and was not considered "at risk".

She and another carer found her on the floor and Mrs Shaw went to get help from Mr Bhutto. He was the most senior nurse on night duty at the home, run by the Mimosa Healthcare Group, because the senior carer was unable to work havning [sic[ been on duty for six of the previous seven nights.

When Mr Bhutto arrived he checked the pensioner's limbs, took her blood pressure and pulse while she was still on the floor and told the carers to put her back into bed.

But instead Mrs Shaw, worried that she might fall again, washed the old lady, dressed her and took her to the office while she carried on filling forms.

At about 5.45am she took her to the lounge and said she was "talking fine" and walking around.

But at breakfast-time when the residents were being offered a cup of tea Mrs Griffiths was found unresponsive and an ambulance was called at about 7.30am.

Mrs Shaw, who broke down and wept in the witness box, said she would have called an ambulance immediately after the fall but had only since discovered that staff could override a nurses' decision.

Speaking after the inquest was adjourned Dorothy's daughter Jean David, 61, said: "We are quite upset that Mr Bhutto hadn't appeared and we are having to come here again particularly as my brother is having to come up from Staffordshire. We would like it to have been done and dusted but we can't leave it without his evidence."'
It seems a strange set of priorities for someone in a 'caring profession' like nursing to prefer to pray rather than help a stricken patient. However I do note that the report doesn't actually say that the nurse preferred to pray than care but that:
'...Carer Zoe Shaw told the Sheffield hearing: "It took between five and ten minutes because he was praying upstairs in the office on his prayer mat. A staff member told me we had to wait for him to finish."'
I wonder if this might actually be an example of non-Muslims being scared to interrupt a Muslim from their prayers in case they are accused of being 'culturally insensitive' or the deadliest insult in 21st century Britain - 'racist'.

Friday 23 March 2012

What is about it about some Labour politicians and Israel?

Just this week we have had the news of Ken Livingstone reaffirming his stand to invite and embrace, when London mayor in 2004, the Islamist cleric Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who condoned suicide bombing against Israeli target. Since then Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has said the following:
"Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the (Jews) people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers."
The man Ken Livingstone embraced and still refuses to condemn has also condoned Palestinian attacks on Israelis. In 2005 defending bombings against Israeli civilians, al-Qaradawi said on BBC's Newsnight that:
"An Israeli woman is not like women in our societies, because she is a soldier."
"I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God's justice."
"Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do".
I have also read that Ken Livingstone's embracee also considers pregnant women and their unborn babies to be valid targets on the ground that the babies could grow up to join the Israeli Army.

So that's Ken Livingstone, just an isolated senior member of the Labour party? Well no, there's also Paul Flynn who in December accused the British Ambassador to Israel of having "divided loyalties" because he is Jewish. Would Paul Flynn accuse a British Ambassador to a Muslim country of having "divided loyalties" because he is a Muslim?

But that's just two? Unfortunately not. Take a read of this piece from Harry's Place (posted last October) which lists the various Labour MPs who were scheduled to appear alongside Raed Salah. Who is Raed Salah I hear you ask?
' * He has claimed that Jews baked “the blood of children” into their “holy bread” – the ancient and vicious blood libel.
* He has claimed that 4,000 Jews skipped work at the World Trade Centre on 9/11 and suggested that Israel carried out the 9/11 attacks.
* He has cited so-called Franklin Prophecy: a Nazi forgery in which Benjamin Franklin supposedly warns America about Jews
* He attended the launch of the Mavi Marmara and incited violence on board. At the launch ceremony and on board Mavi Marmara passengers chanted a notorious extremist slogan, commemorating a massacre of Arabian Jews: “Khaybar! Khaybar! Oh Jews! The army of Mohammed will return!”.
* He chuckled at the memory of taunting a Jewish teacher with a Swastika in a friendly chat with fellow extremist Azzam “Kaboom” Tamimi on Al-Hiwar TV, a TV channel based in London that serves the Muslim Brotherhood .
* He wrote an antisemitic poem which used various theological references to Jews, including: “The Creator meant for you to be monkeys and losers … you are the bacteria of all times”, which clearly refer to Jews generally.
* He has admitted funding Hamas, for which he served two years in prison. Hamas leaders have hailed him and rallied to his cause. Recently the terrorist group named a football pitch after him.
* He has been named as a trustee of the Union of Good, a Hamas funding organisation, and has worked closely with Interpal, the British charity that serves Hamas.
* His hosts in the UK have included some of the country’s worst extremists, such as Daud Abdullah and Ismail Patel, and a fellow speaker on his ill-fated tour was to be Ahmad Nofal of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood. Nofal too has been banned from the UK.
* He claims that homosexuality is a “great crime” which signals “the start of the collapse of every society”.'
Which Labour MPs were due to appear alongside Raed Salah before the event was cancelled due to his arrest?
Jeremy Corbyn, Yasmin Qureshi and Richard Burden, along with Martin Linton who whilst no longer an MP does run Labour Friends of Palestine.

What is odd is that the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, a man who on occasions appears in the British Jewish press expressing his support for Jews in Britain and for Israel's right to exist in peace, has not uttered a word of reproach to these Labour politicians. Instead Ed Miliband, thought it appropriate to honour two of them and some others at the Labour party conference:
"I want to pay tribute to Simon Danczuk, to Andy Slaughter, and to Richard Burden, first of all, as well as Martin Linton, who is here, for the work they do."

So Ed Miliband are you going to take a stand now against these senior members of the Labour party that you allegedly lead? Not sure? Here's your party's candidate for London Mayor again...

So Ed Miliband is that a sentiment that you can go along with? So Ed Miliband is that the sentiment of someone you are happy to be Labour's candidate for London Mayor?

As for the Jewish Chronicle, the Jewish Weekly News and the rest of the Jewish press in Britain; the next time Ed Miliband tells you of his support for the Jewish community, ask him about how he squares that with his support for Ken Livingstone, Paul Flynn, Jeremy Corbyn, Yasmin Qureshi, Richard Burden, and Martin Linton.

Thursday 22 March 2012

James Delingpole on BBC 5Live giving Richard Bacon a verbal smackdown (now updated with link and quotation - especially for Richard Bacon and @declanmurray78)

Please listen to this interview 15:10 onwards.

Or you could watch it here...

and here...

Richard Bacon shows off his stupidity. The 97% figure as demolished by James Delingpole is as I have blogged previously.
Richard Bacon didn't sound a) impartial or b) knowledgeable...In fact have you ever heard him sound so angry throughout an interview and so triumphant when he thought (usually incorrectly) that he'd made a good point? Are BBC interviewers meant to treat interviewees like this? Can anyone think of another interviewee that Richard Bacon has so taken against?

I wonder if Richard bacon will find the time in his busy schedule to check that 97% statistic that so upset him. In case he or @declanmurray78 need some help here's a link that might help and in case you two cannot follwo a link, here's the meat of the matter:
'How do we know there’s a scientific consensus on climate change? Pundits and the press tell us so. And how do the pundits and the press know? Until recently, they typically pointed to the number 2500 – that’s the number of scientists associated with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Those 2500, the pundits and the press believed, had endorsed the IPCC position. [1]
To their embarrassment, most of the pundits and press discovered that they were mistaken – those 2500 scientists hadn’t endorsed the IPCC’s conclusions, they had merely reviewed some part or other of the IPCC’s mammoth studies. To add to their embarrassment, many of those reviewers from within the IPCC establishment actually disagreed with the IPCC’s conclusions, sometimes vehemently.
The upshot? The punditry looked for and recently found an alternate number to tout — “97% of the world’s climate scientists” accept the consensus, articles in the Washington Post and elsewhere have begun to claim.
This number will prove a new embarrassment to the pundits and press who use it. The number stems from a 2009 online survey of 10,257 earth scientists, conducted by two researchers at the University of Illinois. The survey results must have deeply disappointed the researchers – in the end, they chose to highlight the views of a subgroup of just 77 scientists, 75 of whom thought humans contributed to climate change. The ratio 75/77 produces the 97% figure that pundits now tout.
The two researchers started by altogether excluding from their survey the thousands of scientists most likely to think that the Sun, or planetary movements, might have something to do with climate on Earth – out were the solar scientists, space scientists, cosmologists, physicists, meteorologists and astronomers. That left the 10,257 scientists in disciplines like geology, oceanography, paleontology, and geochemistry that were somehow deemed more worthy of being included in the consensus. The two researchers also decided that scientific accomplishment should not be a factor in who could answer – those surveyed were determined by their place of employment (an academic or a governmental institution). Neither was academic qualification a factor – about 1,000 of those surveyed did not have a PhD, some didn’t even have a master’s diploma.
To encourage a high participation among these remaining disciplines, the two researchers decided on a quickie survey that would take less than two minutes to complete, and would be done online, saving the respondents the hassle of mailing a reply. Nevertheless, most didn’t consider the quickie survey worthy of response –just 3146, or 30.7%, answered the two questions on the survey:
1. When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?
2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?
The questions were actually non-questions. From my discussions with literally hundreds of skeptical scientists over the past few years, I know of none who claims that the planet hasn’t warmed since the 1700s, and almost none who think that humans haven’t contributed in some way to the recent warming – quite apart from carbon dioxide emissions, few would doubt that the creation of cities and the clearing of forests for agricultural lands have affected the climate. When pressed for a figure, global warming skeptics might say that human are responsible for 10% or 15% of the warming; some skeptics place the upper bound of man’s contribution at 35%. The skeptics only deny that humans played a dominant role in Earth’s warming.
Surprisingly, just 90% of those who responded to the first question believed that temperatures had risen – I would have expected a figure closer to 100%, since Earth was in the Little Ice Age in the centuries immediately preceding 1800. But perhaps some of the responders interpreted the question to include the past 1000 years, when Earth was in the Medieval Warm Period, generally thought to be warmer than today.
As for the second question, 82% of the earth scientists replied that that human activity had significantly contributed to the warming. Here the vagueness of the question comes into play. Since skeptics believe that human activity been a contributing factor, their answer would have turned on whether they consider a 10% or 15% or 35% increase to be a significant contributing factor. Some would, some wouldn’t.
In any case, the two researchers must have feared that an 82% figure would fall short of a convincing consensus – almost one in five wasn’t blaming humans for global warming — so they looked for subsets that would yield a higher percentage. They found it – almost — in those whose recent published peer-reviewed research fell primarily in the climate change field. But the percentage still fell short of the researchers’ ideal. So they made another cut, allowing only the research conducted by those earth scientists who identified themselves as climate scientists.
Once all these cuts were made, 75 out of 77 scientists of unknown qualifications were left endorsing the global warming orthodoxy. The two researchers were then satisfied with their findings [2]. Are you?
Lawrence Solomon is executive director of Energy Probe and the author of The Deniers.


"The Arabs don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews."

As I have said before, I am not a huge fan of Pat Condell because I disagree with his views on all religions. However his views on Israel and the Palestinians are often right on the mark.

I have posted these videos before and received some nasty comments for doing so but I happen to think that this subject is worth revisiting. So here are two videos from pat Condell followed by some background material. I ask you all to listen to Pat Condell's videos, read the quotations and watch the videos I post before commenting.

One of Pat Condell's best videos. I especially liked this line:
"The Arabs don't hate Jews because of Israel, they hate Israel because of Jews."

When Pat Condell comments on so much of the left's insane hatred of Israel and uncritical support for the Palestinians he voices much of what I say, but with more pizazz. The above video should be required viewing for every MP, University Vice-Chancellor, BBC 'journalist', Police Superintendent, University student and pro-Palestinian (for which you can read anti-Israel) marcher in this country. Unfortunately most of those people are so brainwashed or closed-minded that they would probably dismiss his views out of hand, as they do mine; they don't want or like facts, they just know the truth.

In that video Pat Condell claims that Muslim children are brainwashed to hate Jews; is he right?

Jews are "Apes and pigs"; hmm where have I heard that before?

Thankfully that is in the Middle East and not in the UK, or is it?

What is wrong with the world? Why do so many people hate the Jews so much? Why do so few people realise or care what hatred and untruths are being spread by the Saudis throughout Europe and America as well as by others in the Middle East?

Maybe Ken Livingstone who has declared that he wants to turn London into a “beacon” for the words of the (Islamic) Prophet Mohammed should pay more attention to the truth. Maybe Ken Livingstone who expressed his wish whilst speaking at the Hamas-aligned Finsbury Park Mosque last Friday. I say Hamas-aligned Mosque because as The Telegraph reported:
'[T]he mosque is now controlled by an Islamist organisation, the Muslim Association of Britain, which has been linked to the banned terror group, Hamas. A man who has acted as spokesman for the current leadership, Azzam Tamimi, is on record assupporting suicide bombings. One of the mosque’s current directors, Mohammed Sawalha, is described by the BBC as a former senior figure in Hamas who “is said to have masterminded much of Hamas’s political and military strategy” from his post in London.

In 2009 Mr Sawalha also signed the Istanbul Declaration which calls for attacks against the allies of Israel, which include the UK. The British Government interpreted it as calling for attacks on British troops.'

Ken Livingstone also pledged to "educate the mass of Londoners" in Islam, saying: "That will help to cement our city as a beacon that demonstrates the meaning of the words of the Prophet." Ken Livingstone also told the audience at that Mosque that:
"I want to spend the next four years making sure that every non-Muslim in London knows and understands [Mohammed's last sermon's] words and message."
I am not reassured by that pledge at all.

As I blogged yesterday, Jewish Labour figures are behind a letter sent to the labour leader Ed Miliband expressing concern that Ken Livingstone has aligned himself with the politics of radical Islam.
"The real and more pressing issue is that of the strong perception that Ken is seeking to align himself with the politics of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian regime, whilst at the same time turning a blind eye to Islamist antisemitism , mysogynism (sic) and homophobia."
What say you Ken?