
Friday 11 June 2010

The forgotten Rachels

Rachel Corrie is not the only dead Rachel, do the 'peace activists' care about these eight other dead Rachels?

I prepared this post last night to post when busy at work but have just seen that Fraser Nelson has written about the forgotten Rachels. A very moving article that compares the cult of Rachel 'peace campaigner' Corrie with the forgotten Rachels. Here are some extracts, first about the forgotten Rachels and then about Rachel Corrie (my comments in italics):
'Rachel Thaler, aged 16, was blown up at a pizzeria in an Israeli shopping mall. She died after an 11-day struggle for life following a suicide bomb attack on a crowd of teenagers on 16 February 2002. Even though Thaler was a British citizen, born in London, where her grandparents still live, her death has never been mentioned in a British newspaper. (Why did the British media not report on the murder of this British citizen by terrorists, is it because she was in Israel and 'asking for it'?)


Thaler is by no means the only Jewish Rachel whose violent death has been entirely ignored by the British media. Other victims of the Intifada include Rachel Levy (aged 17, blown up in a grocery store), Rachel Levi (19, shot while waiting for the bus), Rachel Gavish (killed with her husband, son and father while at home celebrating a Passover meal), Rachel Charhi (blown up while sitting in a Tel Aviv cafe, leaving three young children), Rachel Shabo (murdered with her three sons aged 5, 13 and 16 while at home), Rachel Ben Abu (16, blown up outside the entrance of a Netanya shopping mall) and Rachel Kol, 53, who worked at a Jerusalem hospital and was killed with her husband in a Palestinian terrorist attack in July a few days after the London bombs. '

'Unfortunately for those who have sought to portray Corrie as a peaceful protester, photos of her burning a mock American flag and stirring up crowds in Gaza at a pro-Hamas rally were published by the Associated Press and on Yahoo News on 15 February 2003, a month before she died. (Those photos were not used in the British press.)


The International Solidarity Movement (ISM), the group with which Corrie was affiliated, is routinely described as a “peace group” in the media. Few make any mention of the ISM’s meeting with the British suicide bombers Omar Khan Sharif and Asif Muhammad Hanif who, a few days later, blew up Mike’s Place, a Tel Aviv pub, killing three and injuring dozens, including British citizens. Or of the ISM’s sheltering in its office of Shadi Sukiya, a leading member of Islamic Jihad. Or of the fact that in its mission statement the ISM said “armed struggle” is a Palestinian “right”.

According to the “media co-ordinator” of the ISM, Flo Rosovski, “‘Israel’ is an illegal entity that should not exist” – which at any rate clarifies the ISM’s idea of peace.'

The Jewish/Israeli Rachels deaths were not 'missed' by the world's media, they were deliberately ignored. The world is rushing headlong past delegitimising Israel and on towards justifying its destruction. The Jewish state will be sacrificed to radical Islam in the hope that that will satiate their demands; it won't and who or what will be next?

Appeasement does not work as Europe found out in 1939 and being willing to sacrifice others to buy your own peace does not work either: 'First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Here for more about Pastor Niemoller.

1 comment:

Grant said...

It is all so terribly depressing.