
Saturday 4 September 2010

Clever, very clever Mark Thompson?

Am I alone in wondering if Mark Thompson's 'mistake' in showing his notes as he went into a meeting at Number 10 really was a 'mistake' or in fact deliberate. What better cover for the BBC's Direcor-General who had already admitted to the BBC having a left-wing bias in the past, but no more, than to appear ready to explain the background to the Coalition government's spending cuts. Of course an unbiased BBC would have been explaining the context for these cuts from the start rather than behaving as an accomplice to the Labour party that had caused the public debt problem via massive overspending, but this is not an unbiased BBC.

Instead we get the BBC feeling able to report Ed Mr Miliband's claims that Mr Thompson had "a list of programme ideas which appeared to showcase Tory economic policies of savage, indiscriminate cuts". This expression 'savage, indiscriminate cuts' is the latest Labour/BBC meme and one that will be repeated ad-nauseum until it is accepted as fact.

The sheer cheek of any ex-Labour minister in complaining about the BBC putting the government's side of any story is incredible after 13 years (plus previously when in opposition) of the BBC only asking 'how high' when Alastair Campbell or Peter Mandelson told them to 'jump'.

The Conservatives should not be fooled by Mark Thomson's attendance at a meeting and his promises (if promises were made) that the BBC would put spending cuts in context. The BBC is pro-Labour and will actively connive to achieve the re-election of a Labour government. The BBC is no friend of the coalition, the country or democracy and must be tackled head on.


Grant said...

This is a total stitch-up by the BBC and their Labour masters and I hope the Tories are aware of what is going on.

ReefKnot said...

Dead right. They should be tackled head-on. But it won't happen. The coalition will pussy foot around trying to reach 'understandings' and hoping for the best. The BBC will shaft them big time.

ReefKnot said...

Dead right. They should be tackled head-on. But it won't happen. The coalition will pussy foot around trying to reach 'understandings' and hoping for the best. The BBC will shaft them big time.